Henry Miller’s Stunning Letter to Anaïs Nin About the Value of and the Antidote to Despair – The Marginalian


“Letting artwork is the paradox of lively give up,” Jeanette Winterson wrote in her superb meditation on how art transforms us. “I’ve to work for artwork if I need artwork to work on me.” However letting life can be a paradox of lively give up — we’ve got to work for all times too if we would like life to work for us. (That’s what Maya Angelou meant when she noticed that “life loves the liver of it.”)

The paradox is that a lot of what we predict is figure at life — all of the methods during which we attempt to bend actuality to our will, all of the methods during which we clutch at management (which solely ever means the phantasm of management) as an organizing precept — is actually an escape from the true work, which is the work of letting go: letting go of the phantasm, of the techniques of perception and magical pondering by which we fancy ourselves in management.

The subtlety — generally devastating, generally deeply rewarding — lies in studying the distinction between the false work and the true work of life: that elusive artwork of lively give up.

That is what Henry Miller (December 26, 1891–June 7, 1980) explores with unusual self-awareness and sensitivity in one of many many miniature masterpieces of perception into human nature collected in A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller (public library) — the file of the layered and sturdy relationship between these longtime lovers turned lifelong buddies, comrades within the republic of literature, kindred rebels towards the tide of conference and the tyranny of circumstance, endlessly bonded by their shared devotion to shaping themselves and reshaping their world by writing.

Henry Miller

From his dwelling in Massive Sur, he writes to her within the spring of 1946:

Whenever you give up, the issue ceases to exist. Attempt to clear up it, or conquer it, and also you solely arrange extra resistance. I’m very sure now that… if I actually turn into what I want to be, the burden will fall away. Essentially the most tough factor to confess, and to comprehend with one’s complete being, is that you just alone management nothing. To have the ability to put your self in tune or rhythm with the forces past, that are the really operative ones, that’s the process — and the answer, if we will communicate of “options.”

He observes that once we don’t absolutely give up to these currents of life bigger than us, some a part of, nevertheless suppressed, is aware of it. Out of that quiet, gnawing information come up the sentiments of guilt that usually haunts our days with out an simply identifiable supply — for the supply lurks in these secret strata of being, half-opaque even to us. It’s a wholly inside information and a completely inside guilt, impervious to exterior judgment, impartial of the exterior world. And but, in our desperation to find a supply, we regularly challenge it outward and place it in others.

Together with his attribute religion in human nature, Miller writes:

One factor I don’t fear about… is what individuals assume, how they misread issues. There’s nothing you are able to do about that… What amazes me an increasing number of is how a lot individuals do perceive whenever you give them the total dose, whenever you maintain again nothing.

The Nice Wave off Kanagawa by Japanese artist Hokusai, 1831. (Obtainable as a print.)

With an eye fixed to the worth of despair, he considers how solely after hitting emotional rock-bottom are we absolutely receptive to these truths we spend our lives swimming away from; how the ego paddles at a frantic tempo beneath the floor of phantasm to maintain us from sinking into the very give up that’s our redemption from battle:

One has to allow individuals to turn into determined, to turn into wholly misplaced, that solely then are they prepared for the fitting phrase, solely then can they avail themselves of the reality. To withhold it then is against the law. However to nurse them alongside is a worse crime. And there’s the place a lot of the battle facilities, about that time. The human intuition to spare the opposite individual his agony (which is his technique of salvation, in any sense of the phrase) is a fallacious intuition. Right here the refined temptations, the vicious and insidious ones, as a result of so confused and entangled, enter in. On this so-called human aircraft it’s the ego which instructions — usually in essentially the most superb disguises. The temptation to be good, to do good, will get us all a while or different. It’s the final ruse, I really feel, of the ego.


This clamor and agitation which I appear to create all about me, even from a distance, proceeds from me. I do know it.

Henry Miller on his beloved bicycle

Sharing with Nin the information of an elder native girl’s extraordinary generosity in making his dream dwelling accessible to him, giving it up herself for “it’s now inside her [and] can’t be misplaced,” he provides:

Have I not turn into an increasing number of conscious latterly that the issues I deeply want come with out battle? … All of the battle, then, is phantom play. The combating with shadows. This I do know.

Complement with poet and thinker David Whyte on the interplay of control and surrender in living with presence and a few timeless knowledge on control, surrender, and the paradox of self-transcendence from Tove Jansson’s Moomins, then revisit Miller on the measure of a life well lived.

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