Vegan White Chocolate Mousse – Chocolate Covered Katie


With a thick and creamy whipped texture, this wealthy vegan white chocolate mousse recipe is surprisingly easy to make!

Vegan White Chocolate Mousse Recipe

Need a fancy white chocolate dessert, in simply 5 minutes?

Whip up this tremendous straightforward (three ingredient!) vegan white chocolate mousse, and put together to be utterly amazed on the clean and fluffy outcomes.

Only one style, and the velvety texture will instantly win you over!

Additionally attempt these Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Watch the white chocolate mousse recipe video above

5 taste variations

Lemon: Add the zest of 1 or two lemons together with the opposite elements. You too can add a couple of drops of lemon extract and a pinch of turmeric for coloration.

Orange: This can be a comparable concept to the lemon taste above. Add one to 2 teaspoons of orange zest to the blender or meals processor.

Peanut Butter: Add three to 4 tablespoons of peanut butter earlier than mixing. Or swap out the white chocolate chips with Peanut Butter Chips.

Cardamom: Mix in a pinch of floor cardamom and the seeds from half a vanilla bean or on fourth teaspoon of pure vanilla extract.

Coconut: Mix a fourth teaspoon of coconut extract into the mousse. Stir in a handful of shredded coconut, or high with toasted coconut and Coconut Whipped Cream.

White Chocolate Dessert Recipe

Vegan white chocolate mousse elements

For this recipe, you have to vegan white chocolate chips or cacao butter, sweetener of alternative, and comfortable or silken tofu. There are additionally soy free substitutions listed beneath.

Pascha and Get pleasure from Life each make dairy free white chocolate chips. A couple of different manufacturers, corresponding to Advanced or Milkless, supply vegan white chocolate bars that may simply be damaged up to make use of rather than chips.

Or you may omit the chips totally and use uncooked cacao butter as a substitute. As a result of cacao butter has no sugar, enhance the sweetener of option to style.

Just about any all objective sweetener is okay, together with common or unrefined sugar (like date or coconut sugar), pure maple syrup or agave, or granulated erythritol or xylitol for sugar free mousse.

Powdered or liquid stevia may also be used should you select a model you already know you want. Seek the advice of the package deal to seek out the quantity equal in sweetness to at least one tablespoon of sugar.

Delicate tofu is bought within the refrigerated part of many common grocery shops and well being meals shops. In the event you choose a shelf secure possibility, any firmness of Mori Nu vacuum packed tofu will even work. For greatest outcomes, don’t use refrigerated agency or further agency tofu.

The recipe was tailored from my Vegan Chocolate Pie and this Protein Pudding.

Food Processor Desserts

Tips on how to make the vegan dessert

Begin by very fastidiously melting the white chocolate or cacao butter, both within the microwave or utilizing the double boiler technique on the stovetop.

Drain the tofu, if utilizing, and let your base (tofu, coconut cream, or cream cheese) come to room temperature.

Mix all the mousse elements in a meals processor or blender till silky clean, then pour into ramekins or bowls.

The elegant white chocolate mousse is able to serve now. Or refrigerate a couple of hours till chilly for a firmer texture.

Garnish with contemporary strawberries, raspberries, sliced bananas, shaved white chocolate, crushed Oreos or pistachios, or the rest your coronary heart needs.

Retailer leftovers within the fridge for as much as 5 days. For greatest texture, I don’t suggest freezing this recipe.

Vegan Mousse Dessert Cups with whipped cream and raspberries

Soy free and keto white chocolate mousse

In case you are allergic soy or can not discover silken tofu, be at liberty to make use of an equal quantity of coconut cream or retailer purchased or selfmade vegan cream cheese in its place.

You should buy unsweetened canned coconut cream at shops like Complete Meals or Wegmans. Or scoop off the cream from canned coconut milk, discarding the water.

A 3rd possibility is to make use of uncooked cashews. Soak the nuts for about six hours, then drain and pat totally dry. Mix into cream earlier than mixing a second time with the melted white chocolate chips and sweetener.

The dairy free white chocolate mousse is already naturally gluten free and eggless, with no heavy cream or butter.

3 Ingredient White Chocolate Mousse
  • 12 oz comfortable tofu (can sub cream cheese or coconut cream)
  • 6 oz vegan white chocolate chips or cacao butter
  • 1 tbsp sweetener of alternative
  • Rigorously soften the white chocolate, both on the stovetop or within the microwave. Drain the tofu or scoop out the cream, and let it come to room temperature. Mix every little thing in a blender or meals processor (I like this food processor) till clean. (If utilizing cacao butter as a substitute of white chocolate chips, add extra sweetener of option to style.) Pour into cups or ramekins. Get pleasure from now, or refrigerate till chilly for a firmer texture. Retailer leftovers within the fridge for as much as 5 days.View Nutrition Facts

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