Mango Salad with Lime – A Couple Cooks


This vivid mango salad recipe is good and zingy, starring the ripe fruit with contemporary herbs and a honey lime dressing.

Mango salad

Obtained ripe mangos and want a method to make use of them? Do this vivid and exquisite Mango Salad recipe! There’s nothing just like the honeyed sweetness of a juicy mango, and right here’s a contemporary option to decorate it. Pair it with cool cucumber, crunchy bell pepper, and herbaceous mint and cilantro, then cowl all of it in a honey lime dressing. It’s irresistibly refreshing and a flexible facet dish for any plate: superb with fish, veggie mains and even tacos. It’s all the time an enormous hit at our home: and we hope it will likely be at yours!

Components in mango salad

You possibly can construct a mango salad in many various methods, however we love this straightforward pairing of colourful greens and a zingy dressing. The flavour profile is like mango salsa, however you possibly can eat it in so many extra methods! Right here’s what you’ll want for this salad recipe:

  • Mangos
  • Pink bell pepper
  • English cucumber: we favor the gentle taste and vivid inexperienced coloration of an English cucumber: and also you don’t have to peel it! If you happen to use a normal cucumber, be sure that to peel it.
  • Pink onion
  • Contemporary mint: the contemporary herbs make the dish! Search out contemporary mint if in any respect doable; don’t substitute dried. If it’s rising season, mint is easy to grow at home.
  • Contemporary cilantro
  • Lime juice
  • Honey or maple syrup
  • Salt and pepper
Mango salad

The best way to reduce a mango

The half that takes the longest on this mango salad? Reducing a mango! There are a number of methods to deal with this juicy fruit. Right here’s our technique for how to cut a mango:

  1. Minimize across the pit: Stand the mango on its facet, with the stem dealing with away from you. Utilizing a big chef’s knife, reduce across the pit on one facet. Begin about 1/4″ from the middle, following the curve of the pit. Repeat the identical reduce on the opposite facet of the pit.
  2. Use a pairing knife to attain it into squares: Use a paring knife to attain the mango into squares, taking care to not reduce by way of the peel.
  3. Scoop it out with a spoon: Use a big spoon to scoop between the fruit and the peel to take away the diced mango.
How to Cut a Mango

Scale it up!

This mango salad recipe calls for two mangos. Wish to scale it up barely, or have extra mangos to make use of? You need to use the identical portions of all of the components, however use 3 mangos as a substitute. Style and add extra salt to style. It’s also possible to add a touch extra lime when you’d like.

Methods to serve mango salad

Mango salad is so versatile and works with many types and kinds of dishes! Listed below are a couple of concepts to get your wheels turning:

Mango salad

Extra mango recipes

Craving extra recipes with this candy fruit? Listed below are a couple of extra to strive:

This mango salad recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free.


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This vivid mango salad recipe is good and zingy, starring the ripe fruit with contemporary herbs and a honey lime dressing.

  • 2 ripe mangos* (2 cups)
  • 1 pink bell pepper (1 cup diced)
  • 1/2 English cucumber (1 cup chopped)
  • 1/4 pink onion (¼ cup thinly sliced)
  • ¼ cup chopped contemporary mint
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • 3 tablespoons lime juice (1 massive or 2 small)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ tablespoon honey or maple syrup
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • Contemporary floor black pepper

  1. Chop the mangos. Dice the bell pepper. Chop the English cucumber. Thinly slice the red onion. Chop the mint and cilantro. Place all of them in a medium bowl.
  2. In a small bowl, combine the lime juice, olive oil, and honey or maple syrup. Add to the bowl with the mango and greens, then add the kosher salt and blend to mix. Lasts as much as 3 days refrigerated.


*For a bigger salad, use 3 ripe mangos and add extra salt to style.

  • Class: Aspect dish
  • Technique: No cook dinner
  • Delicacies: Salad
  • Weight loss plan: Vegan

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