How to Help Your Students Develop Positive Habits


Most college students possible join the time period “habits” to their examine habits. The truth is, for a lot of college students the time period “examine habits” in all probability provides the notion of habits a unfavorable vibe.

However there may be one other sort of behavior that’s necessary for the well-being and constructive development of scholars: habits that construct their character strengths, resembling persistence, gratitude, and repair to others. For instance, the behavior cue that helps college students apply persistence earlier than spontaneously sending that offended tweet, or a day by day behavior of writing down what they’re grateful for. I name these “constructive habits.”


As a researcher and president of, I need to make the case that each youngster and teenage, earlier than graduating from elementary college, center college, or highschool, ought to be capable of reveal and clarify how they’ve shaped and constantly apply a constructive behavior—particularly one they intrinsically need to develop.

Optimistic habits assist college students obtain the “character objectives” they’ve set for themselves, resembling being an individual of integrity or somebody who strives to be sort and useful to others. It’s tough for me to think about any scholar changing into their very best self with out growing a variety of constructive habits.

As a place to begin, listed below are 5 ideas to show college students about habits that may assist them construct productive abilities and significant practices into their lives.

1. You might be your habits

The research is evident: 40-50% of all our actions are carried out out of behavior. Every of us has our morning habits, in addition to our consuming and bedtime habits. Merely put, our lives run on habits.

Our problem as educators is to encourage college students to grasp that their habits form who they’re and the type of individual they need to turn into. For instance, for a few years certainly one of my youngsters handed in assignments that had been crammed with errors as a result of he had not but developed the constructive behavior of checking his homework earlier than handing it in. Solely later in life did he be taught the knowledge of practising the character energy of carefulness.

James Clear, creator of Atomic Habits, hit the mark when he urged that the easiest way to alter who you’re is to alter what you do.

2. How we kind habits

Most college students study Newton’s three legal guidelines of movement in eighth grade. However I can’t appear to seek out any curriculum in the USA the place eighth graders be taught concerning the science of behavior formation. However they need to.

Each scholar ought to be taught concerning the “habit loop.” Whether or not it’s or unhealthy behavior, the mechanics of a behavior are the identical:

Cue > Craving > Response > Reward

Cues spark our habits, and our cravings are the motivating forces behind each behavior. Lastly, the response delivers the reward (the specified thought or motion that provides us reduction from the craving). In brief, we’re nonetheless captives to our “lizard mind.” We stay creatures who crave immediate gratification.

This course of is pretty simple for on a regular basis habits: For instance, when a scholar comes house from college (cue), they could expertise a spike in dopamine as they begin on the lookout for a snack (craving), after which indulge (response) within the salty, crunchy reward of a bag of Fritos. Right here’s what the behavior loop would possibly appear like for a constructive behavior: On daily basis when a scholar comes house from college, she calls her grandmother to learn the way she is feeling. Listening to the cheerfulness in her grandmother’s voice is the scholar’s constructive reward. 

Researchers are additionally starting to discover that habits persist even once we don’t worth the reward as a lot as we as soon as did (and even when the reward is not out there). That’s excellent news for these of us who consider within the energy of constructive habits. After constantly practising these habits, they turn into a part of our identification.

3. Secure cues are the important thing to forming a constructive behavior

Right here’s the one indispensable “behavior precept” I’d need my college students to be taught and apply: Create cue X, for motion Y. For instance, think about a scholar has determined they need to learn to play the guitar (the motion) proper after they end their homework (the cue). The important thing to creating this new behavior or routine is for the scholar to repeat this exercise on daily basis—as quickly as they end finding out.

Different steady cues would possibly embody waking up or going to mattress, brushing tooth, or consuming meals—any actions that occur commonly that college students can connect a behavior to.

Researchers are learning that steady behavior cues are important to organizing our psychological house. Over time, repetition reorganizes our mind and turns into its personal reward.

4. 4 “behavior hacks” that work

S. J. Scott just lately wrote a e-book titled Habit Stacking. The concept is that we should always hyperlink collectively a tougher behavior to a neater behavior. For instance, encouraging college students to do their chores (a tougher behavior) whereas listening to music (a neater behavior). 

A second hack is leveraging the facility of commitment. The fact is that each one of us, at one time or one other, have damaged a promise we’ve made to ourselves. That’s why we could have to share our behavior plan with somebody who will maintain us accountable, resembling a pal, guardian, or trainer. Making a dedication to somebody we all know and belief is usually the gas we have to develop a constructive behavior.

A 3rd hack is discovering our habit tendency. Developed by creator Gretchen Rubin, the core concept is that every of us wants to grasp extra acutely how effectively we reply to inner and exterior expectations. Whereas some individuals completely want accountability for habits, different individuals should perceive why the behavior is necessary earlier than they really feel motivated to pursue it.

Lastly, with regards to behavior formation, each scholar ought to be taught concerning the energy of positive affirmations. Refuting our unfavorable self-talk with constructive self-talk is a “behavior hack” that merely works. For instance, college students can create the constructive psychological behavior of repeating to themselves, “I obtained this…I can do that.”

5. Setting objectives and sheer willpower aren’t sufficient

Rising analysis is shattering our long-held myths that setting objectives and exercising self-control are the dual peaks of behavior formation. Intentions alone don’t change behaviors. Furthermore, willpower is a muscle that depletes over time. Nobody can lead a life stuffed with self-denial.

Along with having long-term objectives, college students have to “plan” their habits. The research is evident: Preparation is the important thing. Because the saying goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Behavior planning is way extra necessary than motivation and willpower.

Creating a brand new constructive behavior is type of human engineering that requires college students to find their optimum cue/motion sample (if X, then Y), in addition to the mental humility to anticipate a weak spot or flaw of their behavior design. For instance, some faculties encourage college students to develop their very own day by day behavior of gratitude. College students must determine a cue/motion sample that works greatest for them (within the morning or earlier than bedtime), in addition to to suppose critically on what might stop them from growing their gratitude behavior.

Habits are about getting 1% higher on daily basis. Aristotle obtained it proper when he wrote that “we’re what we repeatedly do.”

But recent research tells us that educators overlook the function of habits in scholar self-regulation. That’s why it’s time for folks and educators, particularly throughout these stress-filled instances, to work collectively to assist all college students harness the vitality and energy of constructive habits.

Let’s think about a future the place twelfth graders are speaking to eighth graders about habits, with the older college students sharing one constructive behavior they now constantly apply. Or the place each scholar, at first of the college 12 months, is inspired to share with their lecturers and friends one behavior they wish to strengthen by winter break. These are only a few concepts to encourage and equip younger individuals to intrinsically kind their very own habits of thoughts, coronary heart, and motion.

I’d like to be taught your concepts and recommendations to assist our college students kind a behavior mindset. Please attain out to me at


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