5 Acres & A Dream: Rendering Goat Tallow


Kinder buck

I like my goats and one of many hardest issues to do is to determine who stays and who goes. Sadly, it is a necessity as a result of I solely have a lot room and a lot pasture. Meaning I can not maintain all of them. Luckily, I selected a breed that’s in demand for homesteads and small farms, Kinders. They’re mid-size and dual-purpose (milk and meat), making them a superb choice for a small operation. 

Most of my surplus goats get offered. I do not make a revenue, however this pays for feed and hay, which implies my goats are self-supporting. Add milk, meat, manure, companionship, and infinite leisure, and I really feel like I actually come out forward.

Does nearly at all times promote as a result of they’re in increased demand than bucks. One buck can service numerous does, so individuals maintain extra does. I do promote numerous bucks and on occasion keep one. So what do I do with those I do not promote and do not essentially wish to maintain? I might simply maintain them, and put a pressure on our pasture and sources. Some people do this. However I believe the kindest factor to do is to humanly put them down and provides them function after loss of life, feeding others. The meat feeds us, the offal feeds pigs and chickens, the bones make nutritious broth after which feed the soil, and the hides could be tanned for leather-based. Discovering function for each a part of the animal is the accountable cycle of life.

When Dan butches the meat for brining and freezing, he cuts off extra fats and I freeze it individually. Lately, I defrosted it and rendered it to tallow.

Rendering is the method of melting the fats, skimming off the bits of meat, after which pouring off the melted fats into storage containers to chill. From what I’ve learn, the time period lard refers to rendered pig fats, and tallow refers back to the rendered fats of cows, sheep, and goats. Rendered rooster fats is known as schmaltz. All of them are extraordinarily essential. They’re used for cooking and soaps, and (as soon as upon a time) tallow was additionally used to make candles.

The steps for making tallow (or lard) are simple: chop the fats into small items for fast melting, then put them in a big heavy-bottom pot with water overlaying the underside.

Melting the fats.

The water prevents burning and evaporates off because the fats simmers and melts. It is a gradual, light course of that requires frequent stirring. 

Ultimately, all that is left are the bits that do not soften. I transferred these to a forged iron skillet to complete browning them into cracklings.


When properly browned, I drain them and retailer them in one other jar. We use the cracklings identical to bacon bits! Actually, this is my recipe for Cracklin’ Cornbread. They’re additionally yummy in scrambled eggs.

Cracklings and leftover oven-baked french fries in scrambled eggs.

Now, I am guessing that folk who wrinkle their noses at cooking with animal fat have lengthy since stopped studying this submit. But when you have not and are questioning how wholesome they’re, then I encourage you to learn Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions. The science in that ebook utterly modified my thoughts concerning the fat and oils we eat. The one oils I exploit now are additional virgin olive and coconut. For stable fat, I exploit butter, tallow, or lard. (Tallow and lard make the flakiest, melt-in-you-mouth pie crusts!)

My remaining yield from this mission was 3 quarts of tallow, one quart of cracklings, and nearly a pint extra tallow from the cracklings.


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