Why a journeyman boxer finds contentment in the art of losing


The UK boxer Lewis ‘Poochi’ Van Poetsch doesn’t strive to lose, however as a profession ‘journeyman’, he (very) usually does. Age 31, and with a document of 10 wins, three attracts and greater than 140 losses, he’s settled right into a profession the place a heavyweight title isn’t in his future, however he can nonetheless acquire a pay cheque giving extra proficient children ‘a tricky night time’s work’ whereas serving to them pad their information. Monitoring Van Poetsch as he prepares for yet one more weekend battle, the UK director Robin Mason’s quick documentary Welcome to the Professionals (2022) is an affable – and to many, maybe relatable – account of what it’s wish to give up on a dream, settle for limitations and, within the course of, discover consolation in a single’s personal pores and skin.

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