Public school sex claims storm as THREE governors quit over handling of former pupil’s allegation


Three governors at a high public faculty have resigned over its dealing with of a sexual misconduct allegation, the Each day Mail can reveal.

Parliamentary requirements commissioner Kathryn Stone, a former police chief and a high felony legislation barrister, give up after Repton College declined to sack a instructor regardless of the declare made by a former pupil.

The Derbyshire faculty, the place boarders pay greater than £40,000 a 12 months and which counts Roald Dahl and Jeremy Clarkson amongst its alumni, stated its dealing with of the matter has been backed up by two knowledgeable impartial opinions.

However a letter written by Sue Fish, former chief constable of Nottinghamshire, to the chairman of governors, Mark Shires, stated she had no possibility however to resign as a result of instructor’s continued employment.

The doc, seen by the Mail, stated the choice means the varsity’s ‘safeguarding of pupils previous, current and future is now in jeopardy and lacks credibility’.

Repton has strongly denied this in a row which comes after a separate case wherein a former instructor was jailed for seven years and 11 months in March for abusing pupils on the faculty within the Nineteen Nineties.

Three governors have resigned after Repton School (pictured) declined to sack a teacher

Three governors have resigned after Repton College (pictured) declined to sack a instructor

Simon Clague, 55, admitted expenses of indecent assault. He had intimate relationships with three teenage women, Derby Crown Courtroom heard.

Repton stated it was ‘profoundly sorry’ for failing to guard his victims, including any former pupils trying to contact the establishment ‘might be taken extraordinarily severely’.

This prompted one to allege a instructor nonetheless there had engaged in sexual exercise with two mates at about the identical time.

It’s understood the previous pupil didn’t title these mates, was not keen to talk formally to the police and the varsity obtained no additional proof.

Mrs Fish claims the instructor’s recordsdata revealed ‘an appalling catalogue’ of alleged previous misconduct. It’s understood Repton felt the allegations to which she referred have been unsubstantiated rumours that had been totally investigated.

The varsity can be thought to have thought of any threat to pupils and authorized recommendation suggesting dismissal could be illegal.

The third governor who resigned was Tim Hannam QC. He and Mrs Stone didn’t reply to requests for remark and Mrs Fish declined to remark additional.


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