Q. Would you please interpret ‘The Buddha Land is dirty when there are three poisons in our mind, and it is pure when there are not three poisons’?


A. When it’s stated that all the things is empty, or once we see all the things as it’s with out being deluded by illusions, imaginary traces, all the things is the Buddha. If all the things round us is the Buddha, the place we’re at this second should be the Buddha Land. Nevertheless, when our minds are contaminated with three poisons; greed, anger and ignorance, we can not see the Buddha Land as pure because it actually is as a result of they trigger us to be deluded by illusions. This leads us to fail to recognise the Buddha Land while already being there and to wander about searching for it possessed with a picture of a pure and excellent place though we’ve by no means left it. It’s not as a result of the Buddha Land is basically soiled however as a result of we can not see the Buddha Land as it’s because of the illusions brought on by the three poisons in our minds that it seems to be soiled.

Pupil: “How can I take away the three poisons?”

Grasp: “They’re the Buddha as effectively.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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