Home Meditation Q. My master’s talk is always excellent and he teaches us very...

Q. My master’s talk is always excellent and he teaches us very well, but I hear that he sometimes behaves immorally. Should I continue to learn from him?


A. Let’s suppose that you’re affected by a deadly sickness. Luckily, you discovered a physician who can treatment you of the sickness. He’s actually expert and gifted in saving folks from the sickness you’ve, however has a foul fame as a human: He’s a cheat and playboy. You haven’t any proof for this and have by no means personally seen him behaving badly. What do you assume you need to do; refuse to see him due to his immoral fame thereby shedding your life, or be cured by him regardless of it? I feel that try to be helped by him. Once you go to see the physician, you don’t go to see him to guage his morality however to be cured by him. What you want from him now’s his skill to save lots of you out of your problem and never his excellent morality.

In the identical means, you need to proceed to see your grasp if he can train you one thing that you simply want. The aim of your going to him is to not respect him for his exemplary morality however to study, or get what you want. What’s extra vital right here is the Buddha’s instructing, which says that we shouldn’t be deluded by phrases and type. Once we see issues as they’re with out being deluded by them, there’s nothing that isn’t the Buddha.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway

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