Chocolate Cheesecake Slice – Simple Living. Creative Learning


Who doesn’t love a superb cheesecake? When mixed with chocolate, you have got probably the most superb slice. This Chocolate Cheesecake Slice is has a chocolate biscuit base, simple cheesecake center with melted chocolate sprinkled on the highest and unfold by way of. Scrumptious!


Chocolate Cheesecake

This cheesecake slice is very easy to make and is a superb dessert for a meal with associates or to take to a dinner, or to binge on whereas hubby is at work. You’ll be able to lower the slices as huge or small as you prefer to, relying on the quantity of people that might be in attendance.

Chocolate Cheesecake Slice Pieces

The bottom is made first, then the cheesecake filling is made.

Lastly, the chocolate is melted and swirled by way of the cheesecake layer.

You possibly can additionally substitute the gelatine with jelly crystals, which might additionally add extra color to this slice in addition to a scrumptious flavour, relying on what flavoured jelly combination you utilize – orange, lemon, strawberry or lime. Yum!

Extra Recipes

Chocolate Cheesecake Slice Pieces on a Plate

Chocolate Cheesecake Slice

This Chocolate Cheesecake Slice is has a chocolate biscuit base, simple cheesecake center with melted chocolate sprinkled on the highest and unfold by way of.

Prep Time 15 minutes

Setting 4 hrs

Complete Time 4 hrs 15 minutes



  • 250 g pkt crushed chocolate biscuits
  • 90 g butter, melted


  • 250 g cream cheese
  • 395 g condensed milk
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 3 tsp gelatine
  • 2 TBSP sizzling water
  • 1/2 cup cream, whipped
  • 125 g chocolate melts


Cheesecake Filling

  • Utilizing an electrical mixer, beat cream cheese till creamy.  

  • Regularly add condensed milk, beating consistently.

  •  Beat in lemon juice, scraping down sides of bowl as you beat till thickened. 

  • Whisk gelatine into water with a fork till dissolved. Permit to chill barely.

  • Beat gelatine combination into cream cheese combination. 

  • Fold in cream. Pour over ready base.

Key phrase Cheesecake, Dessert, Slice



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