Conversations on Social Work Careers: Health Social Work With Donna Shanor


     On this episode of Conversations on Social Work Careers, Jennifer Luna, MSSW, interviews Donna Shanor, LCSW-S, LCDC.

     Donna Shanor, LCSW-S, LCDC, is a frontrunner in well being care and makes use of a relational, strategic, mission-driven method. Donna brings greater than 18 years of expertise in social work and serves because the Inaugural Affiliate Chair of Scientific Integration for the Division of Well being Social Work at Dell Medical Faculty and Director of the Built-in Behavioral Well being Program at UT Well being Austin. Donna amplifies the function of social work in a well being care setting by making use of a strengths-based, patient-centered lens to well being care, cultivating relationships with interdisciplinary members of well being care groups, and guaranteeing social employees are working towards at their highest skills, fostering innovation and alter. Donna considers herself and her crew brokers of healthcare transformation.

     Donna is a builder and trailblazer as she leads her crew within the first medical college within the nation to create a Division of Well being Social Work. Donna helps the medical social employees, dietitians, and docs of pharmacy (PharmD) within the Built-in Behavioral Well being Program.


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