Cannabis Exposure During Pregnancy Tied to Mental Health Problems in Early Adolescence


Over the course of the final decade, using hashish in ladies of reproductive age has elevated considerably.   Regardless of lowering charges of alcohol and tobacco use throughout being pregnant, cannabis use during pregnancy is on the rise. In response to knowledge collected from the Nationwide Survey on Drug Use and Well being, using hashish in pregnant ladies aged 18 to 44 years rose from 3% in 2002 to 7% in 2017.  Newer research have indicated that during the COVID-19 pandemic, hashish use throughout being pregnant elevated by 25%. 

Prenatal hashish publicity has been related to various antagonistic outcomes, together with elevated threat of fetal development restriction, preterm beginning, and stillbirth.  Nevertheless, it has been extra difficult to systematically study the impact of cannabis use on being pregnant and baby outcomes as a result of its use continues to be unlawful in most states. A brand new research analyzing knowledge from the Adolescent Mind Cognitive Growth (ABCD) research extends our understanding of the long run results of prenatal hashish publicity and examines the affiliation between prenatal hashish publicity and psychopathology in early adolescence.

The ABCD Research prospectively tracks almost 12,000 youth enrolled between the ages of 9 and 10 years with the purpose of following this cohort into maturity.  The Little one Habits Guidelines and the Prodromal Questionnaire-Transient Little one Model had been used to entry psychiatric signs in kids at baseline and at one and two years of follow-up.  Maternal use of hashish was retrospectively self-reported.  Hashish exposures had been categorized into three teams: hashish publicity throughout being pregnant (solely earlier than maternal data of being pregnant, n=391), hashish publicity earlier than and after maternal data of being pregnant (n=208), and no publicity (n=10,?032).  Associations between prenatal hashish publicity and baby psychopathology had been estimated utilizing combined fashions. 

Prenatal hashish publicity was related to persisting vulnerability to psychopathology all through early adolescence. These associations didn’t change with rising age.  This affiliation was primarily pushed by publicity to hashish all through the course of being pregnant (after maternal data of being pregnant).  The behaviors mostly related to prenatal hashish use had been rule-breaking behaviors, aggressive conduct, social issues, thought issues, consideration issues, and conduct issues.

There are a number of limitations to this research.  The primary is the small variety of prenatal cannabis-exposed offspring; nonetheless, the pattern measurement was massive sufficient to determine statistically important variations between the uncovered and unexposed kids.  Different limitations embrace potential underreporting of hashish use throughout being pregnant and inaccurate reporting of the timing and frequency of use.

This research observes that publicity to hashish was related to psychological well being issues in kids in early adolescence; nonetheless, it is very important take into account different exposures that could be related to hashish publicity and may additionally contribute to baby outcomes.  It’s doubtless that there are substantive variations between ladies who determine to proceed to make use of hashish throughout being pregnant versus those that don’t use hashish and people who cease utilizing hashish.  

For instance, earlier research have indicated that women with depression are more likely to use cannabis during pregnancy.  May publicity to maternal stress and/or despair throughout being pregnant or early childhood place these kids at larger threat of psychological well being issues?  Different research have indicated that girls who use hashish all through being pregnant usually tend to undergo from hashish use dysfunction.  What’s the impression on a substance use dysfunction on early parenting?

Though questions stay, there’s sufficient proof to point that hashish use throughout being pregnant carries threat for the being pregnant and the kid and thus ought to be prevented.

Ruta Nonacs, MD PhD

Paul SE, Hatoum AS, High-quality JD, Johnson EC, Hansen I, Karcher NR, Moreau AL, Bondy E, Qu Y, Carter EB, Rogers CE, Agrawal A, Barch DM, Bogdan R. Associations Between Prenatal Cannabis Exposure and Childhood Outcomes: Results From the ABCD Study. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020 Sep 23.

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