Pizza Pinwheels – My Fussy Eater


Pastry pinwheels full of tomato sauce, pepperoni and cheese. Good for packed lunches for youths they usually’re freezable too!

Persevering with with this week’s theme of make forward and freezable packed lunch concepts for youths are these Pizza Pinwheels.

They’re straightforward to make, actually tasty and nice various to sandwiches for lunch at college or nursery.

For this you will want a roll of puff pasty together with pasatta, oregano, pepperoni, grated cheddar and grated mozzarella.

To make, merely roll out the sheet of puff pastry and unfold on the pasatta.

Sprinkle on the oregano then add the pepperoni and each cheeses.

Roll up the pastry tightly, beginning with the lengthy finish. The reduce into 12 slices.

Place on a lined baking tray, brush on some milk (or you need to use egg) then bake within the oven for 18 minutes.

And that’s it. Scrumptious pizza flavoured pastry pinwheels that the children will love!

To freeze, enable them to chill then pop into freezer luggage.

Take them out of the freezer early within the morning and they’re going to defrost in your little one’s lunchbox, able to eat for a extremely tasty and enjoyable lunch.

When you favored this recipe you might also take pleasure in my Ham & Cheese Muffins


Pizza Pinwheels


Pastry pinwheels full of tomato sauce, pepperoni and cheese. Good for packed lunches for youths they usually’re freezable too!


  • 1 roll puff pastry (approx 320g)
  • 75g pasatta
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 50g pepperoni
  • 50g grated cheddar cheese
  • 50g grated mozarella
  • 1 tbsp milk


  1. Preheat the oven to 200c and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Roll out the pastry and unfold the pasatta on prime.
  3. Sprinkle on the oregano and add the pepperoni, cheddar and mozarella.
  4. Beginning with the lengthy finish of the pastry, roll the pastry up tightly then reduce into 12 rounds.
  5. Place on the baking tray and brush the tops and edges with the milk.
  6. Bake within the oven for 18 minutes.
  7. Permit to chill for a few minutes in order that the pastry turns into extra agency.


These pinwheels will preserve within the fridge for as much as 3 days and may reheated within the oven or microwave. They may also be frozen after cooking. Permit to chill after which pop into freezer luggage. They’ll defrost at room temperature in 2-3 hours.

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