Fit Foodie Cooking Club: October 2022


Welcome to October 2022’s Match Foodie Cooking Membership — Pumpkin Bread! Our pumpkin bread is moist, completely sweetened, and stuffed with scrumptious heat spices.

pumpkin bread sliced.

What’s Match Foodie Cooking Membership?

The Fit Foodie Cooking Club is a month-to-month cooking problem to get you within the kitchen cooking from scratch!

We thought there was no higher option to deliver our digital group collectively than to all make the identical recipe every month to have fun actual meals.

oatmeal in bowls

Be a part of the Membership!

Match Foodie Cooking Membership

Be the primary to know in regards to the recipe of the month + get different Fit Foodie Cooking Club bulletins proper to your inbox!


October 2022 – The Particulars

Learn the beneath particulars VERY rigorously as we need to make sure that your entry counts! You probably have questions, please depart them within the feedback of this publish.

Recipe of the Month: Pumpkin Bread

Our pumpkin bread recipe with chocolate chips is a reader favourite. It’s made with canned pumpkin, tons of heat spices, maple syrup, and coconut oil. It’s actually Fall in a loaf pan!

why you’ll love this recipe

Made with primary elements.


Simple to freeze.


sliced pumpkin bread loaf.

All About Pumpkin Bread

Elements You’ll Want

This pumpkin bread recipe is a favourite as a result of it solely requires pantry staples! Right here’s what you want:

  • Flour: you need to use both all-purpose flour or white complete wheat. Each work.
  • Baking powder
  • Spices: spices wanted for this cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and salt.
  • Chocolate chips: any form works!
  • Eggs: we’ve got no examined this recipe with out eggs.
  • Almond milk
  • Brown sugar: we suggest mild brown sugar.
  • Maple syrup
  • Pumpkin puree: make sure that to make use of unsweetened, canned pumpkin puree.
  • Vanilla
  • Coconut oil: butter works too!
ingredients in bowl.

#1 Recipe Tip – Don’t over bake!

Our #1 recipe tip for this bread is to not overbake it! Ensure to maintain a detailed eye on it and to verify the middle of the bread with a toothpick.

If the middle is just not completed, however the sides are starting to brown, be at liberty to tent it with a chunk of tin foil.

A Few Extra Ideas

  • Be happy to ditch the chocolate chips if you happen to’re not feeling it.
  • Don’t over combine the batter.
  • Don’t sub for flax eggs.
  • Each coconut sugar and brown sugar work.
  • Each all-purpose flour and white complete wheat flour work.
pumpkin bread in loaf pan.

The right way to Enter

Now that you know the way to make the recipe, it’s time to submit your creation!

  1. Go to the Pumpkin Bread weblog publish.
  2. Make the recipe and snap a photograph of it.
  3. Go away a touch upon the Pumpkin Bread weblog publish with a photograph of your creation letting folks know the way it went. We’d love a star score, but it surely’s not required. Ensure to depart your identify and electronic mail within the remark kind as a result of that is how we’ll contact the winners!

be a part of the match foodie cooking membership on fb!

Take part on the Match Foodie Fb enjoyable and change into a member of our FREE Facebook Group. The Match Foodie Cooking Membership group on Fb is a option to share your cooking creations and make new like-minded mates on-line.

pumpkin bread loaf.

Vital Dates

Saturday, October 1, 2022 – the primary day you’re eligible to submit an entry.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 – the final day to submit your photograph and remark.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – the winners will likely be randomly chosen and introduced on this weblog publish and on social media.

The Prize

2 members will every win a $100 lululemon reward card. The choice will likely be random and primarily based on feedback which are acquired between October 1 and October 25, 2022.

Winners will likely be introduced on the final Wednesday of the month (October 26, 2022) by way of social media and weblog publish.

Charity of the Month

Breast Most cancers Analysis Basis

Every month we’ll choose a special charity to assist. October 2022’s charity of the month is the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

The Breast Most cancers Analysis Basis is devoted to ending breast most cancers by advancing the world’s most promising analysis.

This yr, BCRF is the most important personal funder of breast most cancers analysis—and metastatic breast most cancers analysis—worldwide and is the highest-rated breast most cancers group within the nation.


We might love so that you can assist our month-to-month charity and donate what you possibly can.

In the event you really feel so inclined, donate to BCRF HERE.

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