Prevalence of Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-Spectrum Mood Episodes During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period in Perinatal Women


The perinatal interval is a essential time to display screen and deal with psychiatric sickness amongst reproductive-aged girls. The consequences of untreated mental illness within the perinatal interval are profound and wide-reaching, starting from the lack of interpersonal and monetary assets to maternal and toddler mortality and morbidity. Rising consideration has been paid to perinatal temper and nervousness issues (PMADs), equivalent to postpartum depression and postpartum nervousness; nonetheless, it could be time for clinicians to show towards extra nuanced approaches to perinatal psychological well being care that incorporate screening for bipolar disorder and bipolar-spectrum temper episodes together with main depressive dysfunction (MDD). The truth is, assessing for postpartum despair with out additionally screening for (hypo)mania might lead to misidentification of postpartum psychological sickness. 

Previous studies have proven that amongst girls with bipolar dysfunction (BD), there’s a greater danger for postpartum psychosis. Nonetheless, a lot much less is thought relating to unipolar despair versus bipolar dysfunction in girls presenting with depressive signs. A recent review and meta-analysis is a essential look into the prevalence of bipolar dysfunction within the perinatal interval. For this evaluation, the authors recognized articles in English that included populations of perinatal girls (pregnant or inside the first 12 months postpartum) who had been 18 years or older and who had accomplished a screening or diagnostic software for bipolar dysfunction.  The evaluation included 22 research as a part of the qualitative evaluation and 12 for the meta-analysis. 

The research discovered that upwards of 20% of ladies with no historical past of psychiatric sickness expertise their first bipolar-spectrum temper episode (together with despair, hypomania/mania, or combined temper) through the perinatal interval.  In girls with no recognized psychiatric sickness earlier than being pregnant, the pooled prevalence of BD was 2.6%. Conversely, for ladies with beforehand identified BD, 54.9% had been discovered to have at the least one bipolar-spectrum temper episode through the perinatal interval.

The authors spotlight a number of questions these placing findings increase: “Does this then imply that the peripartum interval confers a few 7-fold elevated danger for precipitating a primary lifetime presentation of bipolar dysfunction? Or, that an astonishingly excessive 1 in 5 depressed pregnant or postpartum girls may very well manifest indicators of bipolar dysfunction? Or, that the overwhelming majority of ladies with preexisting bipolar dysfunction might have gone unrecognized or altogether undiagnosed previous to being pregnant and supply?” 

We don’t but have solutions to these questions; nonetheless, this very important evaluation sheds mild on the excessive prevalence of temper episodes within the usually susceptible and sophisticated peripartum interval. Moreover, this work highlights the necessity for additional analysis into the prevailing screening and therapy pathways and choices for figuring out underrecognized perinatal temper issues like BD. For ladies with beforehand identified BD, evidence-based scientific care that includes continued therapy with medicines and remedy is commonly essential. There continues to be analysis on temper stabilizers taken through the perinatal interval equivalent to lamotrigine and lithium. Nonetheless, there has not been printed literature analyzing the longitudinal course and therapy of perinatal sufferers with depressive signs who may even have BD. 

Amidst this necessary evaluation in regards to the prevalence of BD, it is very important contemplate the diagnostic confusion of MDD versus BD particularly given the DSM-5 assemble of MDD with combined options. Slightly than the distinct and reverse poles of despair and mania, it could be helpful to show towards a scientific continuum that displays the spectrum inside temper issues. Moreover, it is important to dissect how a lot the prevalence of BD from this evaluation represents handled versus untreated circumstances and the category of medicine sufferers could also be taking. Finally, this evaluation ought to alert clinicians to the prevalence of despair alongside (hypo)mania in peripartum psychological well being screening and therapy – whereas highlighting caveats associated to the accuracy of diagnosing perinatal temper issues and the numerous want for additional analysis to grasp the phenomenology of psychiatric issues within the peripartum.

Margaret Gaw

Masters GA, Hugunin J, Xu L, Ulbricht CM, Moore Simas TA, Ko JY, Byatt N. Prevalence of Bipolar Dysfunction in Perinatal Ladies: A Systematic Evaluation and Meta-Evaluation. J Clin Psychiatry. 2022 Jul 13;83(5):21r14045. doi: 10.4088/JCP.21r14045. PMID: 35830616.

Freeman MP, Goldberg JF. The Pursuit to Acknowledge Bipolar Dysfunction in Pregnant and Postpartum Ladies. J Clin Psychiatry. 2022 Jul 13;83(5):22ed14399. doi: 10.4088/JCP.22ed14399. PMID: 35830617.

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