Quiet Quitting | Daily Philosophy


On this episode, Ezechiel and Andy talk about the pattern of quietly quitting work: doing what’s required in a single’s contract and nothing extra. For a lot of, that is the one reply to a job that’s exploitative, meaningless and empty. However is quietly quitting actually one of the best ways to reclaim our lives?

I’m blissful to announce that, after a break, now we have kicked off the second season of the Accented Philosophy Podcast!

The primary episode is Ezechiel and me discussing the pattern of “Quiet Quitting,” the place workers will do their work as instructed, however resist exploitation and unpaid additional time. For a lot of, this looks as if a means out of the pressures of a job that’s meaningless but takes up most of 1’s life.

However is Quiet Quitting actually a great factor? Come and hear to search out out!

Now you may as well immediately be part of the dialogue on the podcast! We’ve created a brand new electronic mail tackle particularly so that you can ship in your questions, feedback and opinions. Simply ship us your remarks and replies by electronic mail to podcast@daily-philosophy.com and we’ll discuss them within the subsequent episode!

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