Teaching an Accelerated Online Course


The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies program at Montclair State University supplies full-time college students with the choice to finish their diploma in an expedited time-frame. College students work along with a hit coach, advisors, and professors. This system was developed with the wants of grownup college students returning to an undergraduate establishment in thoughts. Programs on this program are absolutely asynchronous on-line programs that run for eight weeks. I’m honored that Dr. Pablo Tinio, Division Chair of Academic Foundations, recruited me to show for this program.

I recurrently train Historic Foundations of American Training asynchronously on-line throughout a full semester. My weblog article A Foundation for Teaching and Learning shares the pedagogy that I have interaction in for on-line programs. I talk about the next key parts of my on-line pedagogy within the article:

  • Syllabus (with a each day schedule of duties for on-line college students)
  • Internet Conferencing
  • Instructing Blocks
  • Questions In regards to the Course Discussion board
  • Dialogue Discussion board
  • Grading Blocks
  • Course Replace Emails
  • Contemplative Meditations (elective)

I proceed to implement this pedagogy as I train the accelerated part. As well as, I developed a welcome video to clarify the course in depth to my college students, and to create a personable environment. My colleague, Dr. Matt Deaton, does a wonderful job of sharing how to develop welcome videos.

For the accelerated part, I knew that I wished my college students to take part in philosophical dialogue on-line and assume deeply concerning the points that I current to my class throughout a full semester time period. This prompted me to make the most of the jigsaw technique in my accelerated on-line course.

A jigsaw is a technique used to interrupt up giant parts of coursework into smaller, manageable chunks for college kids. I inform the scholars of the best way to entry the teams straight on-line. I additionally checklist the teams within the syllabus. After all, I typically must amend the teams as college students add, drop, and withdraw from the course.

I present college students with directions for the jigsaw teams. Listed below are the weekly directions from my syllabus.

In case you are in Group 1 Jigsaw 1, then you’ll critically have interaction within the readings assigned to your group. You’ll full the dialogue discussion board for Group 1 Jigsaw 1 by posting your primary response to one of many dialogue prompts and providing a remark to a different scholar.

After, you’ll browse the readings for Group 2 Jigsaw 2. Subsequent, you’ll go to the dialogue discussion board for Group 2 Jigsaw 2 and supply a remark to a scholar’s publish.

In case you are in Group 2 Jigsaw 2, then you’ll critically have interaction within the readings assigned to your group. You’ll full the dialogue discussion board for Group 2 Jigsaw 2 by posting your primary response to one of many dialogue prompts and providing a remark to a different scholar.

After, you’ll browse the readings for Group 1 Jigsaw 1. Subsequent, you’ll go to the dialogue discussion board for Group 1 Jigsaw 1 and supply a remark to a scholar’s publish.

The jigsaw supplies college students with the chance to critically learn a gaggle of readings after which skim one other set of readings. College students have the possibility to construct their data of 1 module, however then additionally to take part in a philosophical dialogue for one more module. This technique ensures that college students obtain the identical curriculum that I’d have interaction in throughout the full semester time period.

Earlier than using this technique on-line, there’s a want to grasp the best way to make the most of the expertise that’s provided by the establishment. Montclair State College makes use of Canvas as a studying administration system. College students can turn into fairly intimidated by advanced on-line programs. For that reason, it’s essential to supply them with tutorials that designate every step of the method.

Step one is for the professor to create the teams. I created the teams on Canvas. There’s a “Folks” tab. The “Folks” tab has an choice known as teams. The teams choice permits the professor to create a number of teams for a number of tasks. I began by creating a gaggle set. I titled the group set “Jigsaw Teams.” Then I created two teams inside the group set. The primary group was “Jigsaw Group 1,” and the second group was “Jigsaw Group 2.” Canvas lists the names of all college students within the class on the left-hand margin. Professors could add college students to the teams by dragging every scholar’s title over to the group, or by choosing the choice for Canvas to separate the teams. As soon as college students are within the group, the professor wants to tell the scholars of the group that they’re in. College students ought to go to the “Folks” tab in Canvas and click on on the “Jigsaw Teams” group set. This may enable college students to see the names of the people in every group. Another choice is for the professors to screenshot the names of scholars in every group and share the screenshot by e mail, or straight within the syllabus.

Every jigsaw group participates in weekly dialogue boards. Every scholar participates in two dialogue boards per week. The primary discussion board that the coed facilities their consideration on is for the jigsaw group that they’re in. College students should additionally supply a remark to a different scholar in that discussion board. The second discussion board that college students take part in is for the jigsaw group that they aren’t in. College students are anticipated to supply a remark to college students in that group. Total, I count on college students to submit three posts. This consists of the principle publish within the jigsaw group that they’re in, the remark within the jigsaw group that they’re in, and the remark for the opposite jigsaw group.

The syllabus lists the weekly assignments for every jigsaw group. Within the weekly course replace e mail that I ship to college students, I convey the particular duties for every jigsaw group.  The directions could appear repetitive, however my college students inform me that this repetition helps them to grasp their duties for the week.

My college students inform me that they benefit from the jigsaw as a result of it supplies the chance to have interaction in philosophical discussions for multiple subject. I make use of the Socratic technique as I take part within the philosophical discussions as a professor. College students come collectively within the jigsaw teams, and we have interaction in considerate, important discussions that assist us all to consider essential matters in our course. I imagine that college students profit from this strategy, particularly in an accelerated course. For that reason, I current the jigsaw technique as a possible on-line instrument that educators could modify for programs they train.

Disclaimer: Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall is an editor on the Weblog of the APA. The views expressed listed here are solely these of the creator and don’t essentially symbolize or mirror the views of the American Philosophical Affiliation or the Weblog of the APA.

Dr. Sabrina D. MisirHiralall is an editor on the Weblog of the APA who at the moment teaches philosophy, faith, and schooling programs solely on-line for Montclair State College, Three Rivers Group School, the College of South Carolina Aiken, and St. John’s College.

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