Q. If I do not receive or feel any forgiveness from a person who I have harmed, how I can move on? I know this is not something I should expect, but I am struggling with it greatly.


A. It’s best to do not forget that the individual whom you inflicted hurt upon continues to be affected by the hurt you probably did to her or him. An apology is your share, and forgiveness is his or her share. You shouldn’t suppose that your apology will simply undo what you probably did. A real apology is to know your sufferer’s thoughts that may’t forgive you and wait till his or her wound is healed with the ache and dangerous reminiscence fading away.

In Buddhism, seeing one’s personal struggling as empty is knowledge, and seeing others’ struggling as one’s personal is compassion. It’s best to see your psychological stress from being unforgiven as empty and your opponent’s struggling as yours.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway

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