Is Hand-Washing Still Important in the COVID-19 Pandemic?


Approach again within the early, whirlwind days of the pandemic, surfaces have been the factor to fret about. The prevailing scientific knowledge was that the coronavirus unfold primarily through massive droplets, which fell onto surfaces, which we then touched with our palms, with which we then touched our faces. (Masks, again then, have been stated by public well being authorities to be unnecessary for most people.) So we washed our palms till they have been uncooked. We contorted ourselves to keep away from touching doorknobs. We went by way of industrial portions of hand sanitizer, and pressed elevator buttons with keys and pens, and disinfected our groceries and takeout orders and mail.

After which we realized we’d had all of it backwards. The virus didn’t unfold a lot through surfaces; it unfold by way of the air. We got here to know the hazard of indoor areas, the significance of air flow, and the distinction between a fabric masks and an N95. In the meantime, we principally stopped speaking about hand-washing. The times when you would hear folks buzzing “Glad Birthday” in public restrooms rapidly disappeared. And wiping down packages and ostentatious workplace-disinfection protocols grew to become a matter of lingering hygiene theater.

This complete episode was among the many stranger and extra disorienting shifts of the pandemic. Sanitization, that nice bastion of public well being, saved lives; truly, no, it didn’t matter that a lot for COVID. On one degree, this about-face must be seen as a marker of excellent scientific progress, however it additionally raises a query concerning the kinds of acts we briefly thought have been our greatest accessible protection in opposition to the virus. If hand-washing isn’t as necessary as we thought it was in March 2020, how necessary is it?

Any public-health knowledgeable might be fast to let you know that, please, sure, you must nonetheless wash your palms. Emanuel Goldman, a microbiologist at Rutgers New Jersey Medical College, considers it “commonsense hygiene” for safeguarding us in opposition to a spread of viruses unfold by way of shut contact and contact, resembling gastrointestinal viruses. Additionally, let’s be sincere: It’s gross to make use of the lavatory after which refuse to scrub, whether or not or not you’re going to present somebody COVID.

Even so, the pandemic has piled on proof that the transmission of the coronavirus through fomites—that’s, inanimate contaminated objects or surfaces—performs a a lot smaller position, and airborne transmission a a lot bigger one, than we as soon as thought. And the identical doubtless goes for different respiratory pathogens, resembling influenza and the coronaviruses that trigger the widespread chilly, Linsey Marr, an environmental engineer and aerosols knowledgeable at Virginia Tech, instructed me.

This realization just isn’t a wholly new one: A 1987 study by researchers on the College of Wisconsin discovered {that a} group of males enjoying poker with “soggy,” rhinovirus-contaminated playing cards weren’t contaminated, whereas a bunch enjoying with different sick gamers have been. Now Goldman intends to push this level even additional. At a convention in December, he’s going to current a paper arguing that, with uncommon exceptions, resembling RSV, all respiratory pathogens are transmitted predominantly by way of the air. The explanation we’ve lengthy thought in any other case, he instructed me, is that our understanding has been based on faulty assumptions. Typically talking, the research pointing towards fomite-centric theories of transmission have been virus-survival research, which measure how lengthy a virus can survive on a floor. A lot of them both used unrealistically massive quantities of virus or measured solely the presence of the virus’s genetic materials, not whether or not it remained infectious. “The design” of those experiments, he stated, “was not applicable for having the ability to extrapolate to real-life circumstances.”

The upshot, for Goldman, is that floor transmission of respiratory pathogens is “negligible,” most likely accounting for lower than .01 p.c of all infections. If right, this could imply that your likelihood of catching the flu or a chilly by touching one thing in the middle of day by day life is just about nonexistent. Goldman acknowledged that there’s a “spectrum of opinion” on the matter. Marr, for one, wouldn’t go fairly to this point: She’s assured that greater than half of respiratory-pathogen transmission is airborne, although she stated she wouldn’t be shocked if the proportion is way, a lot increased—the one quantity she would rule out is 100%.

For now, it’s necessary to keep away from binary considering on the matter, Saskia Popescu, an epidemiologist at George Mason College, instructed me. Fomites, airborne droplets, smaller aerosol particles—all modes of transmission are attainable. And the proportional breakdown is not going to be the identical in each setting, Seema Lakdawa, a flu-transmission knowledgeable at Emory College, instructed me. Fomite transmission could be negligible at a grocery retailer, however that doesn’t imply it’s negligible at a day care, the place children are continuously touching issues and sneezing on issues and sticking issues of their mouths. The corollary to this concept is that sure infection-prevention methods show extremely efficient in a single context however not in one other: Steadily disinfecting a desk in a preschool classroom may make plenty of sense; incessantly disinfecting the desk in your personal personal cubicle, much less so.

A lot of the conspicuous cleansing we did early within the pandemic was extreme, Popescu stated, however she worries that we could have barely overcorrected, lumping some helpful behaviors—focused disinfection, even hand-washing in some instances—into the class of hygiene theater. Regardless of the setting, the specialists I spoke with all agreed that these behaviors stay necessary for contending with non-respiratory pathogens. Just lately, when a number of members of Marr’s household got here down with norovirus, an especially disagreeable abdomen bug that causes vomiting, diarrhea, and abdomen cramping, she disinfected a lot of high-touch surfaces round the home. Image that: one of many nation’s foremost specialists on airborne transmission wiping down doorknobs and lightweight switches.

Marr isn’t satisfied we’ve overcorrected. Hand sanitizer nonetheless abounds, companies nonetheless tout their surface-cleaning protocols, and air high quality nonetheless will get comparatively little attention. Just lately, she watched an individual use their shirt to open the door of a customer heart with out touching the deal with … then proceed inside unmasked. There’s nothing unsuitable with taking sure precautions to forestall fomite transmission, she stated—these shouldn’t all be dismissed en masse as hygiene theater—so long as they don’t come on the expense of efforts to dam airborne transmission. “Should you’re doing additional hand washing … you then must also be sporting a great masks in crowded indoor environments,” Marr stated. “Should you’re bothering to scrub the surfaces, then try to be bothering to scrub the air.”

On Friday, with respiratory-virus season looming, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky tweeted out three items of recommendation for staying wholesome: “Get an up to date COVID-19 vaccine & get your annual flu vaccine,” “Keep house in case you are sick,” and—to not be forgotten—“Follow good hand hygiene.” She made no point out of masks or air flow.


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