The Time is Now!


Now could be the time for the world to know that each thought and motion is sacred. ~ Hafiz

The magical traditions of nonduality — together with yoga and Buddhism — assert that there is no such thing as a separation between creation and God. All is One. Some equate this mystical mindset with escapism, assuming that the non secular seeker goals to “disappear” into the transcendent and go away the abnormal world behind. Quite the opposite: the traditional, nondualistic traditions demand that we develop a way of readability about our dharma, or responsibility, in every second. One of many seeker’s duties is to help the divine values of affection and compassion on this planet.

What we do in our on a regular basis life feeds and informs our non secular path; a part of the seeker’s journey is to start to see all duties as non secular duties, all moments as non secular moments. Because the poet saint Hafiz declares, “Now could be the time to know that each one that you just do is sacred.” We will embrace “abnormal” moments — whether or not cooking, purchasing, or resting — as alternatives to mindfully help God’s loving presence on this planet.

We will see the assembly of our worldly and non secular duties within the act of taking part in democracies. Now we have a possibility to meet a dharmic responsibility throughout the U.S. midterm elections by supporting leaders and insurance policies that uplift, show considerate compassion, and shield the susceptible. A non secular seeker should actively work towards loving-kindness for all, and demand change to programs that show greed and self-interest. Supporting ourselves and our wider communities with enthusiasm displays God’s loving embrace of all.


Now could be the Time

Now could be the time to know
That each one that you just do is sacred.

Now, why not take into account
A long-lasting truce with your self and God.

Now could be the time to know
That each one your concepts of proper and flawed
Have been only a kid’s coaching wheels
To be laid apart
If you lastly stay
With veracity
And love.

Hafiz is a divine envoy
Whom the Beloved
Has written a holy message upon.

My pricey, please inform me,
Why do you continue to
Throw sticks at your coronary heart
And God?

What’s it in that candy voice inside
That incites you to worry?

Now could be the time for the world to know
That each thought and motion is sacred.

That is the time
So that you can compute the impossibility
That there’s something
However Grace.

Now could be the season to know
That every thing you do
Is sacred.

Hafiz, The Reward


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