Piaget: Philosophical Illusions | Reason and Meaning


Jean Piaget (1896 – 1980) was some of the necessary intellectuals of the 20th century and a scholar of philosophy, psychology, and biology.Within the mid-twentieth century, Piaget penned the e-book, Insights and Illusions of Philosophy, which gives a  critique of philosophy that’s uninformed by science. Piaget has been accused of scientism, however his critique of philosophy is price contemplating.

Piaget’s lifelong curiosity—the explanation he devoted many years to learning the mental growth of kids—was in articulating a organic epistemology. Piaget’s early mental experiences with Bergson and Spencer left him satisfied that hypothesis uninformed by science was intellectually dishonest.  (This jogs my memory of Bertrand Russell saying: “A thinker who makes use of his skilled competence for something different besides a disinterested seek for fact is responsible of a type of treachery.”) Hypothesis, based mostly on instinct and introspection, has no epistemological justification relating to empirical info. Evidently, he noticed philosophical hypothesis as a trademark of philosophy and he clearly expressed his disdain for it:

It was whereas educating philosophy that I noticed how simply one can say … what one needs to say … In reality, I grew to become significantly conscious of the risks of hypothesis … It’s a pure tendency. It’s a lot simpler than digging out info. You sit in your workplace and construct a system. It’s great. However with my coaching in biology, I felt this type of endeavor was precarious.”1

Philosophical hypothesis can elevate questions, but it surely can not present solutions; solutions are discovered solely in testing and experimentation. Information presupposes verification, and verification attains solely by mutually agreed-upon controls. Sadly, philosophers don’t normally have expertise in inductive and experimental verification.

Younger philosophers as a result of they’re made to specialize instantly on getting into the college in a self-discipline which the best thinkers within the historical past of philosophy have entered solely after years of scientific investigations, consider they’ve quick entry to the best areas of information, when neither they nor generally their academics have the least expertise of what it’s to amass and confirm a particular piece of information.2

However how did it occur that philosophy, which gave beginning to the sciences, grew to become so separate from the scientific technique? Piaget traces this separation to the nineteenth century when philosophy got here to consider that it possessed a “suprascientific” information. This break up was disastrous for philosophy, because it retreated into its personal world, misplaced its maintain on the mental creativeness, and had its credibility questioned. For Piaget, philosophy is synonymous with science or reflection upon science, and philosophy uninformed by science can not discover fact; at most it gives subjective knowledge. Philosophy, Piaget concludes, will not be even about fact; at most it’s about which means and values.


1. Jean-Claude Bringuier, Conversations with Piaget (Chicago: College of Chicago Press, 1980), 13.
2. Jean Piaget, Insights and Illusions of Philosophy, trans. W. Mays (New York: World Publishing Firm, 1971) xiv.

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