Airfryer Part Baked Bread Rolls – My Fussy Eater


Prepare dinner part-baked bread rolls within the airfryer in simply 5 minutes. Excellent for a heat and crusty bread roll for breakfast or lunch.

Part baked rolls cooked and sitting the air fryer looking crispy and golden.

There’s nothing higher than a freshly baked bread roll. We love these ones from Aldi so I assumed I’d attempt cooking them within the airfryer as a substitute of the oven.

Picture showing the part bake rolls packaging.

The directions for baking within the oven are 200c for 8-10 minutes so I popped them within the airfryer at 200c for five minutes.

Uncooked rolls sitting in the airfryer.

They got here out so nicely, I used to be actually impressed. Tremendous crispy on the skin and lightweight and fluffy on the within.

If you happen to haven’t tried these but within the airfryer then do it now!

Cooked part baked airfryer roll served on a plate with lots of butter spread over.

I made this scrumptious breakfast roll, all cooked within the airfyer, together with the bacon and egg!

Airfryer roll filled with egg, bacon and tomato.

And in addition used the rolls for lunch for this tacky buffalo rooster roll. So scrumptious!

Airfryer roll filled with cheesy buffalo chicken. garnished with fresh, raw carrots, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and yellow peppers.

If you happen to preferred this recipe you might also take pleasure in my Airfryer Tortilla Pizza


Airfryer Half Baked Bread Rolls


Prepare dinner part-baked bread rolls within the airfryer in simply 5 minutes. Excellent for a heat and crusty bread roll for breakfast or lunch.


  1. Place the bread rolls within the airfryer and cook dinner at 200c for five minutes.

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