In Half One we mirrored on the center as a outstanding organ of connectivity, caring
and compassion that pumps and circulates the lifeblood of Love all through the
entire of the residing Ecosystem of Self.

We named the center as a terrestrial fireplace that may safely home the heavenly Hearth of
Love – enabling the radiance of the One Life to shine and illumine the darkish locations of
the human psyche. By so doing, we every grow to be activated fractals of the One – that
omniscient, all-encompassing and limitless Life that constitutes the true indescribable
Radiant Coronary heart of Being.

We additionally examined the character and prevalence of ache and struggling and the way it seems
that inside this earthly classroom, the chosen pedagogical strategy entails
reworking these base components into the gold of pleasure and knowledge by the grind
and alchemical strategy of every day life. In the identical method {that a} pearl is fashioned over time
contained in the oyster because of irritation, our life on this planet (aptly named the Blue
Pearl within the Knowledge Teachings), is a magical journey of fashioning pearls of knowledge
by overcoming and using the irritants of every day expertise.

The Agni Yoga instructing sums it up within the following method:
“How, then, can the center notice all the fantastic thing about Existence if has not penetrated into all of the
joys and sorrows of life.? Thus it’s that usually, studying the E book of Lives, the center trembles,
however then the tear of struggling is transmuted right into a pearl. The extra fiery the center, the higher
the thrill and the sufferings…” Fiery World III – 208.

In Half Two, we discover the essential non secular check dealing with us as a species that requires
the encrusted coronary heart of our humanity to be damaged open in order that Love and Compassion
might stream – permitting us to face in a extra inclusive and loving house collectively as we
search to construct a extra joyful and simply society. 

As we glance round at occasions occurring on the planet right now, we can not deny that earthly
life could be a heart-breaking expertise. It’s this breaking of the collective coronary heart that
we face at this explicit level in human historical past. It’s mentioned that for the primary time
ever, we face a collective check – an initiation on the spiral path of evolution –
that has introduced us to the brink of a make-or-break selection level.

The Perennial Philosophy foretold of those instances when humanity would face the First
Initiation – the primary non secular check of our species – to point out that we, “can not dwell by bread
alone”. That point is now right here and we stand in entrance of an incredible trial to see if we will
break away from the gravitational pull and jail of matter. The important thing to liberation is
discovered within the realization of the occult trace that the, “Presence of a Better Love should first be
born within the cave of the human coronary heart”. It’s at all times Love that liberates.

The flowering of affection inside the human coronary heart signifies a time in our particular person and
shared life once we really feel real compassion and kindness for others – setting in
movement the journey from ego-centric to eco-centric residing. As we open the center, the
stream of loving kindness will increase till we expertise an amazing understanding that
the best and divinely economical method of making a wholesome society for all is
to construct one primarily based on the values of caring and sharing.

As we select to develop and evolve and try to dwell authentically because the soul incarnate
on Earth, we transfer right into a extra refined frequency of being. We’re advised that
Unconditional Love is probably the most refined high quality we will entry. That is how we evolve –
by opening our hearts and rising on the wings of affection to occupy a extra expanded
sphere of consciousness and being. Nevertheless, those that are targeted or hooked on the
coarser matter of every day actuality, stay weighed down and trapped contained in the gravity of
this dense decrease discipline they usually represent what the Ageless Knowledge instructing calls, “the
prisoners of the planet”.

If we perceive the Earth Itself to be an evolving sentient Life, then it is smart
to view the entire of our planetary life as in search of to improve and grow to be extra
refined. The human realm urgently wants a non secular make-over in order that we might
take away the coarse clothes normal from the bottom tendencies of our decrease nature
and dress ourselves in a extra refined materials woven from the threads of kindness.
This new up-cycled attire does justice to our true nature and helps reveal the sweetness
of our divine future and heritage.

It isn’t being overly dramatic to state that we’re poised to both evolve or devolve.
That is the main selection dealing with us and it marks the ‘parting of the methods’ that many
non secular and spiritual traditions have prophesized. Merely acknowledged, we every must ask
ourselves if we’re going to be guided by the knowledge of the Soul and ascend or be
dictated to by the decrease traits of an unredeemed persona. As one in every of my
psychologist colleagues would usually declare: “We’re a lot greater than how we’re
at present behaving!”

We’re at risk of squandering our non secular birthright and future by denying our
deep Identification – that elegant inside Nature which is a microcosmic reflection of the
One Life. Right here at Meditation Mount, this enduring actuality is called because the Precept of
Important Divinity.

Let me repeat one thing I imagine to be basic within the lifetime of any non secular seeker.
Specifically, that to securely invoke and home the life-giving Hearth of Love, we should first construct
an appropriate fire of our lives and probably the most apposite residence and fireplace is an open and
loving coronary heart. The Soul is in search of a ‘fascinating residence’ on Earth and it seems
that lots of the properties on provide are sadly, not being constructed to code.

We will evaluate a lot of the conduct of our world right now to an addict affected by
substance abuse. We are sometimes, and all too simply, managed by the cravings from our
personal cells which have grow to be depending on exterior substances and stimuli for his or her
well-being. By observing our collective patterns and behaviors, a customer to Earth
from one other a part of the Photo voltaic System might simply surmise that our current society is
hooked on materialism.

This isn’t an announcement of ethical judgement however merely an statement of what drives
and controls us at current within the majority of our choices. Matter is just not inherently
‘dangerous’, it’s the attachment and habit to materialism that’s spiritually-stifling and
that has created such an untenable state of well being. Habit briefly over-rides
the indicators from the Soul and retains us locked in a state of self-centeredness. That is
exhibiting up in all walks of life. For instance, politics has now all too continuously
grow to be an expression of ‘group selfishness’ as an alternative of an organized method of caring for
the great of the entire.

We’d like a non secular de-tox program that liberates us from all addictive substances:
whether or not they be within the type of bodily, emotional or psychological attachments. The
Buddha gave an early indication of a sensible ‘12-step Program’ for the restoration of Self
by naming that, “all struggling is the results of attachment to that which is of the not-self”. When
we lastly notice our true nature is that of a loving soul, impelled to care and share,
then we’ll break freed from the vice-like grip of attachment to matter and study to dwell
by the decision of kindness. As we really feel deeper compassion and kindness for others then,
and solely then, can we start the journey from self-centered to selfless residing.

By the way in which, don’t simply take my phrase for this – please test it out for your self. Within the
identical method you’d test-drive a brand new automotive earlier than buying it, I invite you to go and
test-drive ‘loving kindness’. Drive it round city for a day or perhaps a week and observe
any potential optimistic results on your self and people with whom you come into contact.

Regardless of the present chaotic circumstances of a world in transition, one thing hopeful is
stirring and being registered within the deep recesses of the One Coronary heart of humanity. We
are sensing and witnessing the long-awaited Religious Beginning for which we’ve spent
lifetimes making ready and for which we now joyfully labor amid a world in travail. It’s
as if we’re every carrying the promised little one of a brighter future in our hearts,
swaddled within the goals and aspirations of the awakening Soul. No quantity of outer
gloom can dampen the joyful expectancy accompanying this pending start.

So, the plain query is: “How did we get pregnant?” The reply is easy.
Every time a soul says YES and chooses to wholeheartedly have interaction in Life as a pressure
for good and an agent of regeneration, the seed of spirit enters the womb of the center
and is quickened by every act of kindness and caring.

The end result of this elegant gestation course of is a resplendent flowering and
fostering of Goodwill on Earth. Goodwill is the pure urge of the soul to like and
serve the well-being of all with pleasure and compassion.
Dza Kilung Rinpoche affords these smart phrases to emphasise this fact:

“One’s heart-mind is just like the solar: it has pure cognizance and the standard of brilliance. It
reveals the super open house that’s the knowledge of 1’s personal thoughts and is the readability of
this open view.

Inside that’s heat, which is compassion. Compassion is the essence by which all
residing beings are sustained. It creates concord and offers the power that makes issues alive
and heat.

So the sunshine current in a single’s personal consciousness is the center of compassion. Being open-minded
requires no effort —simply enable it to occur by being current.”

Michael Lindfield
Board President
Meditation Mount


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