The World As It Is and The Way It Could Be



It’s cloudy and wet in Seattle at this time and we had a uncommon dusting of snow final night time. It’s a great day for reflection.

I used to be serious about Thomas Nagel’s notion of the absurd. For Nagel, the discrepancy between the significance we place on our lives from a subjective standpoint and the way insignificant they seem objectively is the essence of the absurdity of our lives. In different phrases, we take our lives significantly, but from a common perspective, they’re unimaginably trivial.
However I used to be serious about one other incongruity—between the character of our actuality and what we think about it may very well be. Our actuality incorporates ache, struggling, anguish, poverty, hatred, loneliness, despair, violence, warfare, and demise. But we are able to envision a world during which all of us flourish, develop our skills, partake in satisfying work and constructive leisure time, creatively cooperate, create information and sweetness, share in shut friendships, and love with out limits. As Bertrand Russell wrote in his final manuscript,

Contemplate for a second what our planet is and what it is likely to be. At current, for many, there may be toil and starvation, fixed hazard, extra hatred than love. There may very well be a contented world, the place co-operation was extra in proof than competitors, and monotonous work is finished by machines, the place what is beautiful in nature shouldn’t be destroyed to make room for hideous machines whose sole enterprise is to kill, and the place to advertise pleasure is extra revered than to supply mountains of corpses. Don’t say that is unattainable: it isn’t. It waits just for males to need it greater than the infliction of torture.

There may be an artist imprisoned in every one in every of us. Let him free to unfold pleasure in every single place.

Now Russell could also be mistaken—the world we envisage might not be potential. But, intuitively, our utopian visions do appear potential. We are able to think about a heaven on earth or a transcendent future that’s exponentially higher than our present actuality. And, if the long run will likely be radically totally different than the previous, then it’s not less than potential it is going to be higher.

Moreover, our consciousness of this disparity is painful. We are able to construct houses, so why are individuals homeless? We are able to produce meals, so why are individuals ravenous? We are able to cooperate, so why is there a lot violence? And even for these whose materials wants are met, why are so a lot of them lonely, anxious, and depressed? Why is one thing amiss about life?

At first look a straightforward rationalization presents itself. The universe is contingent and so are we. The cosmos wasn’t created for our profit and seems detached to us. And we’re evolutionary accidents infused with all of the leftover residue of our evolutionary historical past. We’re each cooperative and violent, loyal to the in-group and hostile to the out-group, territorial, acquisitive, and status-seeking. Our cognitive and moral schools are poor. Given our nature, it’s not shocking that life usually falls in need of our highest expectations.

So I might say—in a Shakespearean reference—that the issue is each within the stars and in ourselves. (“The fault, pricey Brutus, shouldn’t be in our stars, However in ourselves…”) The fact during which we discover ourselves (the celebs) is our house and gave delivery to our consciousness, however it’s not finely tuned for our flourishing regardless of what the non secular apologists think about. Aside from our little planet the cosmos may hardly be extra inhospitable.

As for ourselves, Shakespeare writes, “What a bit of labor is a person, How noble in purpose, how infinite in school, In type and transferring how categorical and admirable, In motion how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god …” However all we have to do is go searching us to know that that is not more than partly true, as Shakespeare notes,

However man, proud man,
Drest in slightly temporary authority,
Most blind to what he’s most assur’d;
His glassy essence, like an indignant ape,
Performs such implausible tips earlier than excessive heaven,
As make the angels weep.

The one reply I see to all that is to change both the stars and ourselves. Maybe it will occur, maybe not. Within the meantime, we must always dwell reveling within the magnificence life affords and stoically accepting all of the dangerous fates that can inevitably befall us. In the long run, we are able to discover consolation in residing lives guided by the hope that life can be bettered.

However what if our ache turns into insufferable? What if life now not appears worthwhile? What if the hole between what life is and what it may very well be is simply too nice? Shakespeare contemplated these questions in fairly presumably essentially the most well-known soliloquy in all of world literature.,

To be, or to not be, that’s the query:

Whether or not ’tis nobler within the thoughts to endure

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms in opposition to a sea of troubles

And by opposing finish them.


We used to see the above from our kitchen window however a brand new residence constructing now obscures the vista. Nevertheless, we are able to stroll three brief blocks to see that precise view.

Picture Above By SounderBruce – Personal work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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