Brittany Polat on Living with Intentionality


On this dialog, Caleb Ontiveros talks with Brittany Polat.

Brittany is a author and speaker on Stoicism as a lifestyle. She is a co-founder of the brand new nonprofit Stoicare, a steering committee member for Modern Stoicism, and a board member of The Stoic Fellowship. Her latest guide is Journal Like a Stoic: A 90-Day Stoicism Program to Live with Greater Acceptance, Less Judgment, and Deeper Intentionality. Brittany holds a Ph.D. in utilized linguistics however at the moment writes about Stoic psychology and philosophy at her web site Living in Agreement.

The dialog. covers the 4 Cs of stoicism (character, cosmos, management and selection), dwelling with intentionality, acceptance, parenting, and way more.

There’s a whole lot of sensible content material on this dialog on the right way to be Stoic, so if that’s what you’re in search of, I extremely suggest this episode.

Take heed to it right here: (Android, iPhone).


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