How to Control High Blood Pressure through Ayurveda?


Blood strain is the drive exerted by circulating blood towards the partitions of the arteries, the main blood vessels within the physique. Extraordinarily hypertension, or hypertension, poses a significant well being menace by elevating the chance of stroke, coronary heart assault, dementia, and kidney failure, amongst different circumstances. Based on the latest analysis, 1.28 billion adults (these aged 30–79) worldwide have hypertension. It’s a main world killer.

Who’s Susceptible to Hypertension? 

Unhealthy consuming habits (an excessive amount of salt, too many saturated fat, not sufficient vegatables and fruits), lack of train, use of tobacco merchandise, extreme alcohol consumption, and being chubby are all preventable danger elements.Non-modifiable danger elements embody a household historical past, age above 65 years and co-existing medical sickness like diabetes and renal failure. Widespread issues embody cardiac failures and sudden Myocardial infarction, stroke and renal impairment.


The American Coronary heart Affiliation categorises the ranges of blood strain as Regular; 120/80 mm Hg.

In case your readings fall inside this vary, proceed to practise heart-healthy behaviours similar to consuming a balanced weight-reduction plan and exercising often. Elevated; readings routinely vary between 120 and 130 systolic and fewer than 80 diastolic mmHg; prone to develop hypertension except actions are made to manage it.

Hypertension stage 1– 130-140 systolic and 80-90 diastolic; medicines are required at this stage.

HTN Stage 2 -values of 140/90 mmHg or larger; a mix of antihypertensives and life-style modifications are beneficial.

The ultimate vary is hypertensive disaster, wherein blood strain values attain 180/120 mmHg and are related to organ injury signs similar to chest ache, shortness of breath, and again ache, in addition to cardiac morbidity and mortality. Requires emergency medical consideration.


Antihypertensives are a category of medication which are used to deal with hypertension. Most generally used medicines are Thiazides, diuretics, Calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors. They’re related to unwanted side effects, secondary results and toxicological results on long- time period use. Widespread SE’s are- Infertility, weight achieve, complications and constipation


Sometimes, blood strain begins to rise many hours earlier than awakening. It continues to extend all through the day, reaching its peak at midday. Often falls through the late afternoon and night. Much more so at evening. Stress and evening shifts also can improve the degrees. Moreover, caffeine, alcohol, and processed meals are related to an irregular rise in blood strain. In medical settings, blood strain readings are monitored utilizing guide units and sphygmomanometers.


Ayurveda, the science of life consists of therapeutic treasures that may deal with varied illness illnesses. It stands out by it’s holistic method in direction of the physique as one single entity. Defects in sodium homeostasis is a significant pathology concerned in hypertension, due to this fact vitiation  of pitta and rakta as a consequence of extra salt consumption could be thought-about as an  etiology.

Similary, the vasoconstriction as a consequence of impaired hormonal actions is in comparison with dushti of pitta and the impaired features of autonomic nervous system could be seen as Vata dushti. The atherosclerotic modifications could be associated to the kapha dushti. Primarily based on these factors it may be deduced that hypertension  includes one or all of the tridoshas which in flip impacts the Rasa and Rakta dhatus.

 Ayurveda Therapies for HIGH BP

Ayurveda emphasises prevention. Subsequently, avoiding illness’s etiological parts is taken into account the primary line of therapy. To stability weight, a low-sodium weight-reduction plan and common train or yoga are required. Non-pharmacological approaches play a big function in reducing morbidity and mortality, with Ayurveda taking part in an particularly vital function; a number of chapters in conventional works similar to Dinacharya, Rutucharya, and so on. are particularly dedicated to a wholesome life-style.

The pharmacological medication are supposed to be primarily vatanulomaka, tridoshahara, rasa, rakta prasadakara, medohara and hridya in motion. Few of the medication are- Arujna(Terminalia arjuna) which is cardioprotective in nature as a consequence of presence of polyphenols. Amalaki(Phyllanthus embilca) enhances cardiac mitochondrial and contractile features and finally combats hypertension. Riserpine is the useful phytoconstituent of sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina), which is abruptly absorbed after ingestion. It acts the extent of neuroendocrine cells and has affinity for VMAT2 and thereby creates normotensive motion. Stress and nervousness are psychological causes of hypertension. Brahmi(Baccopa monerii) is marvel drug in decreasing nervousness and related signs. A number of environment friendly formulations include- Mamsyadi kwatha, sarpagandhi ghana Vati, Brahmi Vati, prabhakara Vati, Arjunarishta and Abhayarishta.

In circumstances of hypertension, Panchakarma therapies might also be utilised. Virechana, basti, and raktamokshana are examples.

Shirodhara is believed to be an efficient therapy for HTN. The liquids are poured over the frontal area in an oscillating stream for a predetermined period of time. This leads to fixed strain and vibrations, which stimulate the actions of the thalamus and forebrain, thereby reducing the degrees of serotonin and catecholamine (HTN-causing elements) and rising acetylcholine, which has a direct influence on reducing blood strain.


Owing to the rising circumstances of HTN and their morbidity and mortality ratios, there’s a must discover new therapy protocols for a similar. Remedy of hypertenion in Ayurveda is roofed beneath the umbrella of Formulations, Single medication, Panchakarma therapies and life-style modifications- Food plan and Yoga. This mixed administration paves manner for treating the illness and its issues from the foundation, in contrast to the up to date follow which solely focuses on pharmacological points.


Hypertension can now be handled and prevented appropriately by the ancestral treasure of Ayurveda. Its time to accustom to the holistic method and benefit from the bliss of well being and wellness and bid a farewell to Hypertension and its issues.


Article by

Dr Lachita C V



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