Finding Presence Through Your Senses


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Sight, scent, contact, sound, and style: all of our 5 senses present distinctive pathways to presence and happiness. We spend a couple of minutes being aware of every one.

The right way to Do This Follow:

Discover a snug place the place you’re feeling secure. Shut your eyes or soften your gaze. Take just a few deep breths, noticing the feeling of the air because it strikes via your nostril, into your lungs, and again out once more.

  1. Sound: For just a few breaths, take note of the sounds round you. Discover the place they’re in area.

  2. Contact: Put one hand on high of the opposite. Discover the sensations you’re feeling in your hand as your fingers’ knuckles contact the opposite, like temperature and texture.. Shift your consideration to your cheeks, noticing temperature and the texture of the air.

  3. Style: Now, take note of the style you might be experiencing in your tongue. There could also be no style or the style of saliva.

  4. Odor: Transfer your focus to the scent round you as you are taking a breath. See what number of odors you’ll be able to determine.

  5. Sight: Lastly, focus your gaze on some extent eight inches in entrance of you for just a few seconds and see what colours, varieties, mild, and shadow you discover there.

  6. Take just a few extra deep breaths right here and see if any of your senses really feel heightened.

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We’re residing via a psychological well being disaster. Between the stress, anxiousness, melancholy, loneliness, burnout — all of us may use a break to really feel higher. That’s the place Happiness Break is available in. In every biweekly podcast episode, instructors information you thru research-backed practices and meditations that you are able to do in real-time. These enjoyable and uplifting practices have been proven in a lab that can assist you domesticate calm, compassion, connection, mindfulness, and extra — what the newest science says will immediately assist your well-being. All in lower than ten minutes. A bit break in your day.


I’m Dacher Keltner, welcome to Happiness Break, a collection by The Science of Happiness the place we take a bit break to deal with ourselves.

Immediately we’re going to give attention to our totally different senses – sight, contact, sound, scent and style. The easy thought is to achieve some consciousness and management of our consideration. The thinker William James mentioned that focus, what we take into consideration, and what we’re aware of, is our character.

In some sense, this observe offers us a way of freedom, in what we attend to and who we may be, within the fast-paced stream of consciousness that’s our world as we speak.

And what the science reveals is that these methods of gaining some company and management over our consideration are literally actually helpful to our well being. They permit the prefrontal cortex to type of acquire a bit little bit of management over the amygdala, the risk area of your mind.

So I’m gonna name this observe the 5 Senses Meditation, and we’re gonna simply slowly transfer right into a sample of respiratory after which shift our consideration round to the totally different senses. So let’s get began.

So what I’d such as you to do is to discover a snug place, ideally that’s quiet, the place you’re feeling secure. If yow will discover a spot open air, that gives loads. And, I’d such as you to take a seat down and shut your eyes or soften your gaze. Take a pleasant stomach, increasing, deep breath in. And as you breathe out, observe the air via your lungs and your nostril.

Take one other good deep breath in. And as you breathe out discover the sense of your physique, how this respiratory, activating the vagus nerve, hopefully, calms the physique down a bit.

And now as we breathe in, focus your consideration on what you hear round you. Respiration out. Discover the sounds, their location and area. Persevering with our breath. Discover simply the sample of sounds the place you might be. Should you’re open air, chances are you’ll discover all types of sounds interacting collectively.

As you breathe in I’d like to show to the touch and I’d like to ask you to place one hand on high of the opposite, the knuckles of the center fingers touching. That is really a meditation of Suzuki from the Zen custom. Simply discover what sensations you’re feeling in your arms. One finger’s knuckle touching the opposite. You could discover the temperature in your arms, possibly a bit sweat.

Now, I’d such as you to shift your consideration to your face, into your cheeks, and as we breathe in, discover the temperature round your cheeks. Should you’re outdoors, chances are you’ll really feel a cool breeze or the solar. Simply discover the temperature in your cheeks. This will broaden into a way of simply the temperature round you, your entire physique.

Now we shift to the unbelievable sense of style. Simply discover what tastes you may be experiencing in your tongue. What style do you sense? There could also be no style or a metallic style or the style of saliva.

Now we shift to style’s relative, the sense of scent. As you breathe in, see what you’ll be able to scent, what scents do you scent round you? Specific smells on the market.

Clearly such a wealthy expertise. And at last, and it is a method taught by Alan Wallace popping out of the Tibetan Buddhist custom, actually now focus your consideration in your gaze or what you see, focus your consideration on some level 8 inches in entrance of you.

And as you look to that time and see the area round it, you might have a way of sunshine or strains and even little colours, fragments of colours, no matter you’re taking a look at, eight inches in entrance of you.

All proper, let’s wrap up our sensation-focused meditation. Drop your eyes down, you’ll be able to chill out your arms. This type of observe actually offers you the sense of getting a bit little bit of management over your consideration, what you might be directing your thoughts to what you’re aware of. And this observe offers us some freedom in the place we will attend to, and what we attend to, and who we may be.

I’m Dacher Keltner, thanks for taking this Happiness Break with us. If in case you have any reflections on as we speak’s Happiness Break, we’d love to listen to from you. E mail us at or use the hashtag happiness pod. Happiness Break is a manufacturing of PRX and UC Berkeley’s Better Good Science Middle.


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