Being and Becoming – The Practice of Living Awareness


Take pleasure in this quote from Brian Swimme:

“The universe emerges out of an all-nourishing abyss, not solely fifteen billion years in the past, however in each second. Every occasion, protons and antiprotons are flashing out of, and are as instantly absorbed again into, all-nourishing abyss. All-nourishing abyss then shouldn’t be a factor, nor a group of issues, nor even, strictly talking, a bodily place, however quite an influence that provides beginning and that absorbs existence at a factor’s annihilation. The foundational actuality of the universe is that this unseen ocean of potentiality. If all the person issues of the universe have been to evaporate, one could be left with an infinity of pure generative energy.”

Each breath, in-fact, pulls from this unseen ocean of potentiality. We’re in a continuing state of turning into. That is the ability of meditation—consciously selecting to witness to the supreme magic that’s concurrently being and turning into.

Glad meditating.

Central Channel Meditation – Day 3


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