Q. If Buddhism is not a religion that worships idols, why do Buddhist shrines keep Buddha statues? – Zen Fools


A. The act of providing bows and praying in temples and shrines could look like deceptive. Nevertheless, the Buddha statues saved in shrines should not objects of worship however artefacts in honour of the historic Buddha, similar to the Lincoln statue within the Lincoln Memorial.

Buddhism will not be a faith that leads individuals to worship and pray to the Buddha for happiness however a faith to assist them to understand that every thing, together with themselves, is the Buddha. It isn’t a faith that makes its followers the slaves of the Buddha however a faith that makes them conscious that there’s nothing to worship and pray to. To create a picture of the Buddha within the air and maintain an invisible string tightly to forestall it from flying away will not be Buddhism however a kind of superstition, or idolatry that’s primitive faith. So long as individuals are infatuated with the picture of the Buddha on this means, they aren’t Buddhist within the true sense.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway

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