New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 204


Analysis of the Week

Much less autophagy, more heart disease.

Donating blood might be one way to reduce the chance of Parkinson’s.

Ketones may help chemotherapy patients (once more).

Even if aspartame doesn’t increase anxiety in humans as it does in rodents, what do it’s a must to lose by utilizing stevia or monk fruit as a substitute?

The extra boosters an individual had, the greater their risk of getting COVID.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Kitchen Podcast: The Link Between Dairy Intolerance and Dairy Genes with Alexandre Family Farm Founders Blake and Stephanie

Primal Well being Coach Radio: Using Data to Guess Less and Help More with Risa Groux

Media, Schmedia

Strict carnivore now hitting TikTok.

As a result of the FDA has done so well elsewhere.

Fascinating Weblog Posts

Higher circumstances beget more developed variations between the sexes.

How plant-based diets might worsen menstrual signs

Social Notes

Don’t let this be you.

But animal fat is making you fat!”

All the pieces Else

I’m nonetheless blown away by the increase in ultra processed food consumption on this nation—from 5% of energy to over 60%.

Issues I’m As much as and In

Loopy to appreciate: At all times nice when a German financial institution does better research than the USDA.

Regarding: We’re still getting fatter.

A straightforward regulation to abuse: CA doctors will soon face censorship of any advice that conflicts with conventional wisdom.

Fascinating analysis: LSD appears to have huge effects on genes and proteins related to neuroplasticity and neurogenesis.

How is that this doable?: Big variation in outcomes among people with LDL over 190.

Query I’m Asking

What are you doing for Christmas?

Recipe Nook

Time Capsule

One 12 months in the past (Dec 10 – Dec 23)

Remark of the Week

I launched a Friday Household Enjoyable Evening initiative right here the place each different friday 5-10 dads get collectively at a gymnasium with their youngsters and all of us simply play laborious in a free unstructured setting. Dodgeball, tag, nerf battles, tug of warfare, no matter comes up. It’s superb.

-Nice option to get youngsters and fogeys taking part in from Don.


Concerning the Creator

Mark Sisson is the founding father of Mark’s Every day Apple, godfather to the Primal meals and way of life motion, and the New York Instances bestselling creator of The Keto Reset Food plan. His newest e book is Keto for Life, the place he discusses how he combines the keto weight loss plan with a Primal way of life for optimum well being and longevity. Mark is the creator of quite a few different books as effectively, together with The Primal Blueprint, which was credited with turbocharging the expansion of the primal/paleo motion again in 2009. After spending three many years researching and educating of us on why meals is the important thing element to attaining and sustaining optimum wellness, Mark launched Primal Kitchen, a real-food firm that creates Primal/paleo, keto, and Whole30-friendly kitchen staples.

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