Q. Can anything exist in complete isolation or is everything defined by its relation and connection to other things? – Zen Fools


A. Nothing can exist in full isolation. All the pieces should rely upon one thing for its existence. For instance, to ensure that a chair to exist, firstly, there needs to be an individual who sees and calls it a chair. Secondly, there needs to be issues which are completely different and separate from the chair, that may be distinguished from the chair. In actual fact, every of the issues {that a} chair depends upon for its existence exists in the identical method as a chair does. So, historic masters would say that if a mote comes into existence, all of the universe comes into existence together with it.

The purpose right here is that nothing can come into existence with out our acknowledgment. A chair, for example, is usually a chair solely after we differentiate it from different issues, consider it as a chair and discuss with it as such. That is why the Buddha stated that every little thing is from our thoughts.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway

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