Jump-Start Your Habit of Keeping a Journal


I like to speak to folks about their habits.

I at all times take pleasure in listening to about which habits folks wish to make or break, and I’m notably enthusiastic about these habits that many individuals search to make.

As an example, for our annual problem for 2021, Elizabeth and I selected “Learn 21 in 21” — i.e., learn for 21 minutes a day in 2021. We selected that problem as a result of we’d heard from so many individuals who wished to learn extra.

One other behavior that many individuals wish to domesticate? The behavior of protecting a journal.

For each psychological and bodily well being, there are numerous good reasons to keep a journal. Analysis reveals that protecting a journal about your emotions could assist you really feel much less psychological misery. It may well assist you to recollect — or spark — necessary insights. It may well provide the satisfying feeling of “ta-da” while you look again on all the pieces you’ve written. It may well assist you make sense of what’s taking place to you. It may well generate your creativity. It may well assist you spot patterns in your life. Analysis means that it will possibly even increase your immune system!

However whereas it’s a invaluable behavior that many individuals need, journal-keeping will be exhausting to keep up.

When you’d wish to preserve a journal, take into account these solutions:

1. Make clear your motive.

What do you hope to perform by protecting a journal? Readability will assist you keep on with this behavior. Determine whether or not you wish to mirror in your day-to-day life, doc a transition, know your self higher, seize insights, observe gratitude, or one thing else. Write down this motive someplace you’ll see it typically.

2. Set expectations.

When constructing your journal-keeping behavior, be particular about what you anticipate from your self. At what time of day do you propose to jot down? For a way lengthy? Will your journal be within the type of lists or doodles or handwritten pages? Do you anticipate to file your ideas day-after-day, or as soon as every week?

3. Select your instruments.

Will you utilize a yellow authorized pad, a leather-based certain pocket book, a Google Doc file, or your cellphone? Do you favor a pen or a keyboard? Do not forget that journals don’t must be handwritten—you may preserve a digital, audio, or photograph journal. Experiment to search out the instruments and strategies that work finest for you.

4. Look to the previous.

When you’ve tried protecting a journal and didn’t handle to keep up it up to now, what elements prevented you from reaching your goal? Write them down. By figuring out what hasn’t labored for you, you may anticipate hurdles and plan workarounds.

5. Begin small.

Start with a one-sentence entry. Subsequent time, strive three sentences, after which a paragraph. Earlier than you understand it, you might be writing a web page a day (if that’s what you wish to do).

6. Make it a pleasure.

Pair your writing time with a component of enjoyment: the primary cup of espresso within the morning, an inspiring playlist. Possibly you’ll discover that protecting a journal is most pleasant while you write outdoors, or in pajamas, or at your desk earlier than beginning work. Pairing one thing pleasurable with this new behavior makes it extra more likely to stick.

7. Start now.

This week—higher but, at present—write your first journal entry. Or, for those who’ve already began a journal and missed a couple of days, choose it again up and begin once more. What we do day-after-day issues greater than what we do from time to time, and one of the best time to start is now.

With the behavior of journal-keeping, as with many habits, it’s useful to recollect: “Don’t let the right be the enemy of the nice” or “Don’t get it excellent, get it going.”


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