My Quiet Life in Suffolk: For Winter Days


 The tree is down, the decorations are down, winter has changed Christmas on the highest of the bookshelf and Christmas has been put again in its field. I had a form out of tree decorations and determined some that I might not used for some time can be subsequent years tree trimmings……if I bear in mind.

I really like the January Nation Diary plate – among the best .

Nearly forgot I might purchased myself an inexpensive deal with for gloomy winter afternoons in January. After I purchased two bins of wafer rolls from Poundland (though they had been £2) for the sisters hampers a number of weeks earlier than Christmas I bought an additional one for me and the mini marshmallows got here out of the lowered out-of-date field at Grape Tree.(There are a number of issues which might be high quality when old-fashioned and one thing that is primarily all sugar will definitely be OK) The squirty cream was purchased for boxing day however did not even get opened .

Very  Yum!

(Additionally good for winter days ….. Countdown Champion of Champions is again on TV for 3 weeks and Silent Witness again for a sequence)

Again Tomorrow



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