Q. Are any of our views truly our own or do we simply inherit them from the environments and societies we live in? – Zen Fools


A. Our views are neither actually our personal nor merely inherited, however quite a mixture of them. Nobody may be free from the affect of the environments and societies we dwell our lives in. We produce our views relying on the place we dwell, how we have been introduced up, how we have been educated and what we imagine in, along with the data we’re given and the context of our viewing.

We see issues from these views and create new views. This is the reason every of us can have completely different views about the identical factor, or the identical downside. These views can change by time and circumstance. These views are known as illusions in Buddhism.  The capability to see and listen to issues with out being influenced by these illusions is known as enlightenment.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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