New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 208


Analysis of the Week

People got a lot of their circadian genes from Neanderthals.

Caffeine is anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective.

Scientists urge regulation of eugenic applied sciences.

Low-carb, high-fat works, however only if you stay on it.

Extra air air pollution, more anxiety.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Well being Coach Radio: 2 Krazy Ketos

Media, Schmedia

Vegans and vegetarians are more likely to be depressed.

Neanderthals were on a high-crab diet.

Fascinating Weblog Posts

On edible survivors.

Is aging a disease?

Weights before cardio or cardio before weights?

Social Notes

Ask me something.

She makes a good case.

The whole lot Else

After I take heed to this, one thing deep and outdated inside me responds.

Issues I’m As much as and In

Necessary: People with serious mental illness should exercise regularly.

Awkward: More beef, less depression.

Occupation I didn’t know existed: Honey sommelier.

Necessary reminder: Old people need more protein than younger people, including after exercise.

Are you able to think about?: A giant 350 pound penguin.

Query I’m Asking

Ought to we have the ability to display screen embryos for fascinating traits?

Recipe Nook

Time Capsule

One 12 months in the past (Feb 4 – Feb 10)

Remark of the Week

“I agree together with your thought of make your best option from the alternatives you have got. Somebody informed me as soon as that the chemical substances launched by the physique once you stress or condemn your self do extra hurt than the one time poor selection that you simply make.”

-I’d agree with that.

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Primal Kitchen Hollandaise

The submit New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 208 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.


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