Full Moon Meditation Recording – February 4, 2023


This Full Moon Meditation On-line expertise was led by Board Members Michael Lindfield and Diana Lang.

Aquarius is an Air signal whose affect stimulates our non secular capability to like and serve the Frequent Good. Its image is the Water Bearer which carries the keynote: “Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty folks”.

The dominant energies flowing by means of this signal are the 2nd Ray of Love and Knowledge, the 4th Ray of Concord by means of Battle and the seventh Ray of Order and Group – serving to to determine proper relationship and anchor non secular power within the materials world of every day life. This configuration of Ray energies varieties an ideal mixture to help within the wanted re-imagination of our world and the Renaissance of the Soul in all its various cultural expressions.

We look ahead to your presence and participation at this auspicious and opportune time as we be taught to bop along with our ‘higher Angels’ in joyful service to our world.

Within the Love of the One Soul,

Michael Lindfield and Diana Lang

Board members – Meditation Mount

Period: 49:09 Minutes


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