Retired Philosophy Professor Gifts $300,000 to Fund Lecture Series


Robert Louden, who not too long ago retired from his place as professor within the Department of Philosophy on the College of Southern Maine (USM), gave his division $300,000 to endow a lecture sequence.

The Louden Household Lecture Collection, Professor Louden says, is meant to “convey new concepts to campus—concepts that can interact not solely college students, college, and workers, but additionally the bigger Portland neighborhood as effectively.”

In response to a press launch from USM, “Louden, who tends to stay frugally, was shocked by a latest inheritance. He selected to speculate his newfound wealth within the educational house.” The lecture sequence was created in honor of the professor’s late father, who, he says, loved seeing audio system and listening to new concepts and arguments.

Jason Learn, chair of the USM’s Division of Philosophy, says, “The Division of Philosophy may be very excited to host these lectures and produce philosophy to not solely your entire college, but additionally to the neighborhood and the state of Maine. In doing so, we hope to indicate that philosophical reflection is an indispensable facet of political and cultural life.”

The lecture sequence might be inaugurated in October of this yr by Martin Hägglund (Yale).

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