In the Flow – The Practice of Living Awareness


The way you ever watched a jazz musician turn out to be the music—as in the event that they had been a channel for the spontaneous circulate of audible genius from on excessive?

Have you ever ever watched a gymnast tuck, twirl, flip and fly by the air in ways in which appear to defy the legal guidelines of physics?  

When these performers are expressing at very excessive ranges of potential and creativity, they’re inhabiting an area known as “the zone.” Their minds are totally linked to the present exercise and their consideration is totally absorbed within the current second with out the psychological burden of fear, doubt, or worry in regards to the outcomes. They usually attain their aim at peak efficiency they usually all report it feels utterly and totally wonderful.

Presence is doorway to the zone. Meditative circulate helps presence—and it’s accessible to us all.

Completely satisfied meditating.

Flow Meditation – Day 2


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