Q. A day can seem to drag, or a day can go by quickly. So, is time real? – Zen Fools


A. Why does a day that appears to pull to you seem to go by rapidly to others? A day you share together with your sweetheart in an exquisite place would really feel a lot shorter than a day that you simply spend doing backbreaking work which you hate to do. When we’ve got time, however don’t have anything particular to do, we are saying that we kill time.

Though we could need to save the time that we’ve got to kill, in the identical approach we deposit our cash within the financial institution with the intention to use it later when we’ve got want of it, it’s not possible. This exhibits that point isn’t actual however simply imaginary. This is the reason the Diamond Sutra says that there is no such thing as a previous, no current and no future.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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