​Instantly improve your memory with these five mind hacks


​Immediately enhance your reminiscence with these 5 thoughts hacks
Dr Sudesh Kannan aka Dr Okay
Offered at CypherCon on March thirtieth 2023 – This recording is with Dr Suresh Kannan MD, brother of the presenter

Are you forgetting to finish duties? Battling preparation for certification exams? Then be part of Sudesh Kannan (A.Okay.A. Dr Okay) as he delivers a 50-minute digital workshop on the way to hack the built-in safety and recall options of the human thoughts. 

With Dr Okay’s 5 visualization strategies, you possibly can anticipate to not solely enhance your reminiscence, however improve the standard of your work, increase your productiveness, and refresh your creativity. That includes a stay demonstration of those memory-boosting suggestions, that is one workshop you’ll always remember.

Significance: Most cybersecurity specialists have to recollect many particulars of paperwork, conditions and folks. It’s simple to enhance one’s recall and reminiscence once we perceive how our mind remembers necessary data.

See attached pdf of slides


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