Prenatal Exposure to Antidepressants or Maternal Depression?


For a few years now, researchers have been analyzing the influence of prenatal publicity to antidepressants on conduct, danger of psychopathology and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. The findings have been blended. Some of the important challenges in conducting this analysis has been disentangling the results of publicity to an antidepressant from the results of maternal melancholy (both throughout being pregnant or later within the baby’s growth).  

Moreover, our information comes from observational, versus randomized, research; the ladies who selected to take antidepressants throughout being pregnant are distinct in lots of necessary methods from girls who elect to discontinue antidepressant therapy. Girls who take antidepressants throughout being pregnant usually tend to have extra extreme or recurrent melancholy than girls who selected to discontinue drugs. A rising physique of literature signifies that publicity to maternal melancholy throughout being pregnant has long-term results on youngsters’s growth and vulnerability to psychiatric sickness. 

In a current examine, Hutchinson and colleagues examined the associations between maternal depressive signs, use of prenatal SSRI antidepressant therapy and youngsters’s conduct as much as 12 years of age.  For this potential longitudinal examine, moms have been recruited throughout their second trimester from group (household follow, midwifery) and tertiary referral clinics (reproductive psychological well being) on the College of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada in an effort to look at the developmental results of prenatal publicity to SSRI antidepressants. 

At 3 years and 12 years, the Baby Habits Guidelines (CBCL) was accomplished by the mom and was used to determine maternal experiences of internalizing behaviors (melancholy, anxiousness, somatic complaints) and anxiousness issues. When their youngsters have been 6 years of age, moms accomplished the MacArthur Well being and Habits Questionnaire (HBQ), which assesses internalizing, externalizing, over-anxious and inattention behaviors.


Of the unique 191 moms recruited into the examine (76 moms with prenatal SSRI therapy), 147 moms have been evaluated at 3 years (59 moms with prenatal SSRI therapy), 145 moms at 6 years (56 moms with prenatal SSRI therapy) and 112 moms at 12 years (38 moms with prenatal SSRI therapy). 

Mainly there have been three classes of contributors: girls with histories of melancholy who used SSRIs throughout being pregnant, girls with melancholy who selected to not use SSRIs, and ladies who weren’t depressed. Regardless of therapy, moms who used SSRIs throughout being pregnant had persistently increased ranges of depressive signs in the course of the second and third trimesters, and at 3 years, 6 years and 12 years, in comparison with moms with out prenatal SSRI therapy.  

Maternal Despair, However Not Prenatal SSRI Use, Predicted Internalizing Behaviors and Anxiousness in Kids

Maternal melancholy in the course of the third trimester was related to elevated internalizing behaviors at ages 3, 6, and 12. Neither SSRI publicity alone nor an interplay between SSRI publicity and third trimester maternal temper contributed considerably to danger of internalizing behaviors at any time level.  

This was a really fastidiously accomplished examine using standardized measures to evaluate maternal melancholy and baby behaviors. Whereas earlier research have steered that antidepressant publicity could influence youngsters’s behaviors later throughout childhood, this examine observes that prenatal maternal depressive signs, not prenatal SSRI publicity, have been related to persistently increased ranges of internalizing and anxiousness behaviors from toddlerhood into pre-adolescence. This examine gives reassuring info for ladies with histories of persistent or present melancholy who’re planning being pregnant.  

Ruta Nonacs, MD PhD

Hutchison SM, Mind U, Grunau RE, Kuzeljevic B, Irvine M, Mâsse LC, Oberlander TF.  Associations between maternal depressive symptoms and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant treatment on internalising and anxiety behaviours in children: 12-year longitudinal study.  BJPsych Open. 2023 Feb 1;9(2):e26.

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