Deep At the Center of My Being – The Practice of Living Awareness


Pleasure arises from a stillness of types, deep throughout the heart of our being. We are able to find this heart by transferring our consciousness to the house of the center, which connects us to our livingness. Stillness resides there as properly—a stillness made attainable by immovable fact and knowledge, the fruits of a life lived, and the revelation of our inherent magnificence and goodness. The guts is a wellspring for all of those revelations and prospects.

From the depth of stillness, we are able to sense the motion that connects us to the livingness of all issues. Pleasure arises as we change into conscious of this connection—its motion, and concurrently, its stillness. There’s a timeless high quality to pleasure. Because of this it’s transcendental.

After we hook up with the livingness of a laughing child, the expression of that connection is pleasure. After we hook up with the livingness of a sunflower, the expression of that connection is pleasure. After we hook up with the livingness of the open sky, a playful pet, or a welcoming smile, we expertise pleasure; it’s expansive and fascinating.

At the moment’s meditation ideas the hat to Louise Hay and her beloved affirmation, “Deep on the heart of my being, there’s an infinite properly of affection.” And so it’s.

Merely settle into your inner-wisdom; stillness will reveal the delicate motion, the proper pleasure.

Comfortable Meditating.

Interlude Meditation – Day 3


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