Things to know about pulmonary fibrosis


The time period ‘pulmonary’ refers back to the lung, whereas the time period ‘fibrosis’ refers to scar tissue, which is similar to scars that develop on the pores and skin because of an previous harm or surgical procedure. Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) is a kind of power lung illness that entails the scarring and thickening of the lace-like tissue across the air sacs — often known as alveoli — within the lungs.

Over time, these modifications can severely disrupt lung perform, usually with deadly penalties. It will possibly make the lungs much less versatile and cut back their capability to develop and contract with every breath, which might make respiratory tougher. Different problems embody pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure, which happen when the lungs are unable to hold sufficient oxygen into the bloodstream with out help. This stops the mind and different organs from receiving ample oxygen.

On this put up, we are going to cowl some key details about pulmonary fibrosis.


The course of pulmonary fibrosis — and the severity of signs — can range tremendously from individual to individual. Some folks turn into severely unwell very quickly. Others have delicate signs that worsen step by step over months or years.

Signs of pulmonary fibrosis can embody:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Lack of urge for food
  • Fast weight reduction
  • Chest discomfort
  • Clubbing of the fingers and toes


Pulmonary fibrosis is a fancy illness that may be attributable to a large number of things. However most often, the precise reason for pulmonary fibrosis can’t be pinpointed. Researchers have a number of theories about what may set off PF, however it’s believed to be associated to irritation within the lungs that triggers the event of scar tissue. This may be attributable to a wide range of elements, together with:

Environmental elements

Often inhaling chemical compounds or sure airborne toxins equivalent to asbestos, silica mud, onerous steel mud, and coal mud can harm the lungs.


Sure medicines, together with some chemotherapy medication, antibiotics equivalent to nitrofurantoin, medication used to deal with irregular heartbeats, and anti inflammatory medication equivalent to methotrexate could cause pulmonary fibrosis.

Radiation remedy

Radiation remedy for lung or breast most cancers can harm the lung tissue and may put you at an elevated danger of pulmonary fibrosis.


Medical consultants do consider that some kinds of pulmonary fibrosis could also be attributable to genes that run inside households.

Autoimmune ailments

Some medical circumstances, equivalent to rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, could cause lung harm that results in pulmonary fibrosis.


Sure viral and bacterial infections, equivalent to pneumonia and tuberculosis, could cause pulmonary fibrosis.


In some circumstances, the underlying reason for pulmonary fibrosis is unclear. That is known as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which is a kind of pulmonary fibrosis that happens in individuals who don’t have any identified trigger for the illness.


To diagnose pulmonary fibrosis, your docs could consider your medical and household historical past, talk about your indicators and signs, evaluate any mud, gasoline, or chemical publicity you’ve had, and carry out a bodily examination. She or he may additionally use imaging exams equivalent to a chest X-ray or CT scan, in addition to pulmonary perform exams to measure how nicely your lungs are working. Blood exams may additionally be ordered by your physician to verify your liver and kidney perform, in addition to to rule out different diseases.


There isn’t a treatment for pulmonary fibrosis, however therapy may also help handle signs and gradual the development of the illness. This may occasionally embody medicines to cut back the speed at which scarring worsens, immunosuppressants, oxygen remedy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and lung transplant in extreme circumstances.


The outlook for pulmonary fibrosis is very variable relying on the underlying trigger and the severity of the illness. Some folks could reply nicely to therapy, whereas others could expertise a extra fast development of the illness or discover the breathlessness debilitating.

Key Takeaway

Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) is a kind of uncommon lung illness that causes the tissue across the air sacs inside the lungs to turn into thickened. One cause pulmonary fibrosis is often misdiagnosed is that its signs are much like these of different lung diseases. Nearly all of individuals with PF develop signs between the ages of fifty and 70 yrs. When you expertise any of the signs listed above, seek the advice of your physician instantly and be persistent in case your lung well being doesn’t enhance. Additionally, inform your physician about any household historical past of lung illness or earlier publicity to danger elements.

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