My Quiet Life in Suffolk: North Norfolk Heritage Railway


 Often known as The Poppy Line ………………however solely on the proper time of yr!

This heritage railway runs for simply 5¼ miles from Sheringham alongside the coast after which inland to Holt. 

They run steam and outdated diesel engines and nearly everybody who works on the trains and within the stations is a volunteer. 

I took a visit alongside the road one morning 

Passing the Golf Course on the way in which out of Sheringham. On the way in which again the air ambulance was sitting on the golf course – I regarded on-line and it simply stated Medical Emergency – hope the golfer was OK. 

Images of the engine are positively required! 

Weybourne Station is without doubt one of the stops on the way in which.

And again to Sheringham once more.

The tickets final all day so individuals can get on and off and catch a special prepare to get again which is what I ought to have achieved however I used to be feeling actually drained and did not fancy being at every station for an hour to catch the following prepare. So I stayed on the prepare there and again and simply did some individuals watching (and listening!) instead- considering how fortunate I used to be to not be with the moaning girl sitting behind me!

Again Tomorrow



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