Cows, Bulls, Heifers and Steers: What Are the Differences?


A dialog on any matter of any depth shall be liberally sprinkled with lingo…

Generally, lingo is only a stylistic alternative, a option to rapidly and simply establish who’s an insider, or “learn up,” on a subject and who just isn’t.

Different occasions lingo is essential, and serves helpful functions in the case of conveying data.

Speaking about cows or cattle normally isn’t any totally different, with phrases like bull, steer, heifer, cow and extra being tossed round on a regular basis.

Are these phrases simply synonyms, or do they imply one thing extra? What’s the distinction between a cow, bull, heifer and steer?

A cow is correctly a feminine cow that’s at the very least 2 years previous and has birthed at the very least one calf. A bull is a mature and intact male cow. A heifer is a feminine cow youthful than two that has not birthed any calves. A steer is a castrated male cow.

As you may see, these phrases usually are not synonyms, and understanding them, say nothing of utilizing them appropriately, is necessary each time you’re discussing the subject.

You’ll additionally need to know all about these numerous phrases and what they imply to your herd in the event you preserve cattle.

Mixing up a younger heifer for a mature bull could possibly be disastrous, and in the event you want steers, the very last thing you need is a bunch of younger bulls having the run of the place!

In any case, studying these phrases imply you may cease simply utilizing the time period cow generically again and again. Preserve studying, and I’ll let you know all the pieces you ever wished to learn about cattle lingo…

What’s the Title for a Feminine Cow?

A feminine cow is named both a cow or a heifer relying on her age and whether or not or not she has birthed any calves.

Extra typically, cow may also consult with any member of the species, though that is disagreeably imprecise for many functions across the farm or homestead.

What’s the Title for a Male Cow?

A male cow is both a bull or a steer. A bull is an intact and sexually mature male cow. A steer is a castrated, mature male cow.

Does “Cow” All the time Imply “Feminine”?

No, not all the time. As talked about above cow can also be the generic time period for any member of any breed of the home cow species.

Cow can consult with a cow, heifer, bull or steer when utilized in generic dialog. However, in the event you’re being in any method particular, cow ought to all the time consult with a feminine of the species.

Are Bulls All the time Male Cows?

Sure. A bull is an intact, sexually mature male cow. Finish of story.

Nonetheless, some individuals mistakenly use the time period bull to consult with any immature cow that has horns. Unknown to some, it isn’t solely the males which will have horns.

Many breeds of home cows are born with horns, women and men alike, and despite the fact that the males will all the time have the biggest, longest and most spectacular horns, females additionally get their very own!

Nonetheless, feminine cows, with or with out horns, are by no means referred to as bulls.

What’s the Title for a Child Cow?

A child cow is a calf, and a number of child cows are known as calves. Particularly, a calf is a younger cow that’s underneath one 12 months of age.

One other time period to know for child cows is weanling, or weanlings, plural. A weanling is a younger calf, sometimes between 6 and 9 months previous, that has been efficiently separated or weaned off of its mom’s milk.

What are the Variations Between Cows and Bulls?

Within the easiest phrases, cow refers to a feminine member of the species. Bull refers to a male member of the species. You should definitely learn up on the precise terminology under, although.

What are the Variations between Bulls and Steers?

The distinction between a bull and a steer is a matter of its sexual organs, particularly whether or not or not it has been castrated. Referring to cattle, “castration” means “neutering,” the elimination of the testicles.

A bull is an intact male. A steer is a male that has been castrated. Bulls could reproduce, steers could not.

Nonetheless, there are another vital variations between the 2!

Bulls are as a rule a lot bigger, extra muscular and stronger than a steer of the identical or an equal breed.

They’ll be extra aggressive, extra dominant, have longer horns, and customarily have a foul perspective regarding individuals and different cows typically, particularly regarding competing males.

Steers however, whereas nonetheless giant, can have shorter horns, smaller total measurement, much less muscle, and be much less aggressive.

Nonetheless, they’re additionally sometimes extra mild-mannered, are typically simpler to deal with and are much less problematic for different members of the herd and for people.

What are the Variations between Cows and Heifers?

The distinction between cows and heifers is just one of age finish of reproductive success.

Broadly talking, a heifer is any younger feminine cow, youthful than 2 years previous particularly, that has not produced at the very least one calf.

Conversely, a cow, for our functions, is a feminine that’s at the very least 2 years previous and has produced at the very least one calf. That’s all there’s to it!

What are Some Different Phrases for Cattle Homeowners to Know?

There are fairly a couple of different particular phrases in cattle lingo that it’s best to know… A number of the most necessary are under:

  • Bloom: a descriptor that refers back to the look of shiny, wholesome and clear fur or hair on a cow.
  • Bovine: time period referring to cows and associated species, and in addition something associated to any of the species. For example, bovine ailments, bovine care, bovine feeding.
  • Breeder: the proprietor of any cow that produced a calf on the time of calving.
  • Cattle: any group of cows, no matter intercourse or age. Additionally a descriptive time period for any animal species that’s biologically bovine.
  • Conformation: reverse to the general construct, musculature and look of a cow.
  • Dam: pronounced prefer it seems. Refers back to the particular mom of a calf whereas cow is used typically.
  • Dehorn: typically, the elimination of the horns of any cow at any age. Particularly refers back to the elimination of horns from a mature cow.
  • Disbud: typically, the elimination of a cow’s horns. Particularly, the elimination of a cow’s horns shortly after beginning, normally through cauterization.
  • Disposition: the perspective or temperament of a given cow. You need cows with a pleasant disposition, consider me!
  • Dry Cow: any feminine cow that doesn’t produce milk.
  • Dystocia: a troublesome birthing of a calf.
  • Estrus: refers to a feminine cow that’s sexually receptive and able to breed; in warmth.
  • Paddock: any fenced in space that’s inside a bigger grazing space. Usually employed as a part of an intensive grazing technique.
  • Polled: a time period referring to any breed of cow that’s born naturally hornless.
  • Wean: To take a calf from its mom in order that it may now not nurse.
  • Yearling: any cow, heifer, steer, bull that’s between 1 and a pair of years of age.


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