Adam Bandt’s tweet haunts Greens leader over social housing future fund Senate stand-off


An previous tweet by Adam Bandt has come again to chunk the Greens chief after he refused to assist a housing invoice with out Labor first assembly his calls for. 

The Greens teamed up with Coalition senators to dam the $10bn Housing Australia Future Fund on Monday and delay the laws till October 16.

The occasion is trying to place stress on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to satisfy their calls for and work with state and federal leaders to introduce a lease freeze.

Senator Bandt has not moved on the demand with Labor supporters stating he had beforehand complained about different events not prepared to compromise. 

Promoting guru Dee Madigan, who’s Inventive Director with Labor-favoured promoting company Marketing campaign Edge, dredged up on an previous tweet made by the Greens chief on June 18, 2022.

‘Tweets that didn’t age properly,’ she wrote.

Dee Madigan, a stalwart Labor supporter and advertising contractor, tried to turn Greens leader Adam Bandt's words against him

Dee Madigan, a stalwart Labor supporter and promoting contractor, tried to show Greens chief Adam Bandt’s phrases towards him

Ms Madigan commented that this tweet from Senator Bandt hadn't 'aged well' in light of the Greens blocking Labor's key social housing fund

Ms Madigan commented that this tweet from Senator Bandt hadn't 'aged well' in light of the Greens blocking Labor's key social housing fund

Ms Madigan commented that this tweet from Senator Bandt hadn’t ‘aged properly’ in mild of the Greens blocking Labor’s key social housing fund

‘That is the issue with Labor,’ Senator Bandt wrote.

‘They let the proper be the enemy of the great.

‘If there’s one factor they don’t like, they vote down the whole thing.

‘And so they get upset after they’re held to account they’ve carried out to politics and democracy.’

The unique tweet was in response to a transfer by Labor and the Coalition to restrict the variety of motions that may be put within the Senate every day for the 2 main events and the cross bench.

The response to Ms Madigan’s tweet was combined with some agreeing the Greens had been taking pictures themselves within the foot by blocking the housing invoice.

‘I’ve all the time voted Greens however am carried out with that,’ one particular person wrote.

‘You need to get in and assist as something is best than within the present housing and rental market.’ 

The present stalemate has seen the Greens delay the passing the Housing future fund till October however threatening it gained’t get by means of except Labor governments at federal and state ranges usher in lease freezes.

‘If Labor acts on hovering rents at nationwide cupboard, this Invoice can move,’ Inexperienced Senator Sarah Hanson-Younger mentioned within the higher home.

‘However till then, what we’re seeing is stubbornness and refusal to behave.’ 

As a sweetener to get the invoice handed this week Mr Albanese provided an additional $2billion of direct spending on social and reasonably priced housing to the unique $8billion allotted.

Nonetheless, Senator Hanson-Younger mentioned on Monday that solely revealed that after being advised for months there was nothing further Labor may do to ease Australia’s housing disaster that they had discovered ‘a bit of money stashed down the again of the sofa’.

Senator Bandt and his Greens party have delayed the Albanese government's social housing fund until October or until Labor acts to freeze rents at the state and federal level

Senator Bandt and his Greens party have delayed the Albanese government's social housing fund until October or until Labor acts to freeze rents at the state and federal level

Senator Bandt and his Greens occasion have delayed the Albanese authorities’s social housing fund till October or till Labor acts to freeze rents on the state and federal stage

Trade Minister and veteran Labor Senator Don Farrell labelled the Greens and the Coalition as the 'axis of evil' for blocking Labor's social housing fund

Trade Minister and veteran Labor Senator Don Farrell labelled the Greens and the Coalition as the 'axis of evil' for blocking Labor's social housing fund

Commerce Minister and veteran Labor Senator Don Farrell labelled the Greens and the Coalition because the ‘axis of evil’ for blocking Labor’s social housing fund

Mr Bandt mentioned after the Senate vote that ‘limitless lease will increase ought to be unlawful’.

‘The stress is now on the prime minister and the Labor premiers to behave on a lease freeze and restrict lease will increase,’ he mentioned.

‘It is a take a look at for Labor. It’s wall-to-wall Labor throughout the mainland, so lease rises are their duty.’

Labor has reacted with fury to the Greens’ intransigence. 

Housing Minister Julie Collins, mentioned ‘each day of delay is greater than $1.3m that doesn’t go to housing for those that want it’. 

Senior Labor Senator Don Farrell went so far as labelling the Greens and Coalition, who’re blocking the laws for different causes, as ‘the axis of evil’. 

He mentioned Labor regarded setback as a ‘failure to move the invoice’ elevating the choice that if it fails to move a second time the governing occasion may set off a double dissolution election.

This offers the federal government the choice of sending Australians again to the polls a lot sooner than the conventional three-year allotment of time between elections. 

There have been seven double dissolution elections in Australia’s historical past, with the final one in 2016  trigged by the Malcolm Turnbull-led Coalition’s pissed off try to create the Australian Constructing and Building Fee.

After Mr Turnbull’s authorities was returned to energy the invoice handed the Senate with out the necessity for a joint sitting of the decrease and higher homes, which is the following step to interrupt a impasse. 

Supply: | This text initially belongs to


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