Home Weight Loss Uplifting Bible Verses about Moving On from Hurt

Uplifting Bible Verses about Moving On from Hurt


Discover steering in these Bible verses that supply encouragement for processing your ache, forgiveness, and transferring on from the harm you’ve skilled.

If you’ve been harm by somebody, particularly whether it is somebody who you like or belief, it may be exhausting to maneuver on from that ache. Making an attempt to keep away from ache doesn’t assist, and it typically wants time so that you can course of. 

The Bible is full of scriptures that may enable you to maneuver on from harm, and prolong grace, forgiveness, and at instances, reconciliation to those that have harm you. 

In case you are on the lookout for steering in easy methods to navigate previous hurts, listed here are 43 bible verses that will help you. 

43 Bible Verses about Shifting On From Damage 

woman with tear rolling down her cheek looking up

1. Philippians 3:13-14 – Forgetting What Is Behind

Brothers and sisters, I don’t contemplate myself but to have taken maintain of it. However one factor I do: Forgetting what’s behind and straining towards what’s forward, I press on towards the purpose to win the prize for which God has known as me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

2. Isaiah 43:18-19 – Do Not Dwell On the Previous

“Overlook the previous issues; don’t dwell on the previous. See, I’m doing a brand new factor! Now it springs up; do you not understand it? I’m making a approach within the wilderness and streams within the wasteland.

3. Matthew 11:28-30 – He Provides Relaxation to the Weary and Burdened 

“Come to me, all you who’re weary and burdened, and I offers you relaxation. Take my yoke upon you and be taught from me, for I’m light and humble in coronary heart, and you will discover relaxation on your souls. For my yoke is straightforward and my burden is mild.”

4. Romans 12:21 – Overcome Evil with Good 

Don’t be overcome by evil, however overcome evil with good.

5. Philippians 4:6-7 – Do Not Be Anxious 

Don’t be concerned about something, however in each scenario, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, current your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

6. Revelation 21:4 – He Will Wipe Each Tear

He’ll wipe each tear from their eyes. There will probably be no extra loss of life’ or mourning or crying or ache, for the previous order of issues has handed away.

7. Romans 8:18 – Our Current Sufferings 

I contemplate that our current sufferings should not value evaluating with the glory that will probably be revealed in us.

8. Psalm 55:22 – He Will Maintain You

Forged your cares on the Lord and he’ll maintain you; he won’t ever let the righteous be shaken.

9. 1 Corinthians 1:10 – Be United in Thoughts and Thought 

I enchantment to you, brothers and sisters, within the identify of our Lord Jesus Christ, that each one of you agree with each other in what you say and that there be no divisions amongst you, however that you simply be completely united in thoughts and thought.

10. 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 – Arduous Pressed, However Not Crushed 

We’re exhausting pressed on each facet, however not crushed; perplexed, however not in despair; persecuted, however not deserted; struck down, however not destroyed. We at all times carry round in our physique the loss of life of Jesus, in order that the lifetime of Jesus might also be revealed in our physique.

11. Psalm 147:3 – He Heals the Brokenhearted 

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

12. Hebrews 12:14 – Reside In Peace with Everybody

Make each effort to reside in peace with everybody and to be holy; with out holiness nobody will see the Lord.

13. Proverbs 3:5-6 –  Belief within the Lord with All Your Coronary heart

Belief within the Lord with all of your coronary heart and lean not by yourself understanding; in all of your methods undergo him, and he’ll make your paths straight.

14. Psalm 73:26 – God is the Energy of My Coronary heart

My flesh and my coronary heart might fail, however God is the energy of my coronary heart and my portion endlessly.

15. James 5:16 – Confess Your Sins to Every Different

Subsequently confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you could be be healed. The prayer of a righteous individual is highly effective and efficient.

16. Psalm 46:1-2 – He’s An Ever-present Assist in Bother

God is our refuge and energy, an ever-present assist in hassle.

Subsequently we is not going to concern, although the earth give approach and the mountains fall into the guts of the ocean,

17. John 14:27 – He Provides Peace 

Peace I go away with you; my peace I offer you. I don’t give to you because the world provides. Don’t let your hearts be anxious and don’t be afraid.

18. Matthew 18:15-17 – If Somebody Sins In opposition to You 

“In case your brother or sister sins, go and level out their fault, simply between the 2 of you. In the event that they hearken to you, you’ve gained them over. 

But when they won’t pay attention, take one or two others alongside, in order that ‘each matter could also be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’

In the event that they nonetheless refuse to pay attention, inform it to the church; and in the event that they refuse to pay attention even to the church, deal with them as you’ll a pagan or a tax collector.

19. 1 John 1:9 – He Is Trustworthy and Simply to Forgive Us Our Sins 

If we confess our sins, he’s devoted and simply and can forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

20. Psalm 71:20 – You Will Restore My Life Once more

Although you’ve made me see troubles, many and bitter, you’ll restore my life once more; from the depths of the earth you’ll once more deliver me up.

21. Romans 8:28 – All Issues God Works For The Good of These Who Love Him

And we all know that in all issues God works for the nice of those that love him, who’ve been known as based on his goal.

22. John 16:33 – Take Coronary heart, He Has Overcome the World

“I’ve instructed you these items, in order that in me you could have peace. On this world you’ll have hassle. However take coronary heart! I’ve overcome the world.”

23. Matthew 6:15 – Forgive That You May Obtain Forgiveness

But when you don’t forgive others their sins, your Father is not going to forgive your sins.

24. Isaiah 41:10 – He Will Strengthen You and Assist You

So don’t concern, for I’m with you; don’t be dismayed, for I’m your God. I’ll strengthen you and enable you; I’ll uphold you with my righteous proper hand.

25. Psalm 30:5 – Rejoicing Comes within the Morning

For his anger lasts solely a second, however his favor lasts a lifetime;

weeping might keep for the evening, however rejoicing comes within the morning.

26. Lamentations 3:22 – His Compassions By no means Fail

Due to the Lord’s nice love we aren’t consumed, for his compassions by no means fail.

27. Ephesians 4:31-32 – Forgiving one One other 

Eliminate all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, together with each type of malice. Be form and compassionate to at least one one other, forgiving one another, simply as in Christ God forgave you.

28. 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 – His Grace is Enough For You 

Thrice I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. However he stated to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my energy is made good in weak point.” Subsequently I’ll boast all of the extra gladly about my weaknesses, in order that Christ’s energy might relaxation on me.

29. Romans 12:19 – Do Not Take Revenge 

Don’t take revenge, my pricey buddies, however go away room for God’s wrath, for it’s written: “It’s mine to avenge; I’ll repay,” says the Lord.

30. Ephesians 4:26 – In Your Anger Do Not Sin 

“In your anger don’t sin”: Don’t let the solar go down if you are nonetheless offended.

31. Hebrews 4:16 – Obtain Mercy and Discover Grace To Assist In Occasions of Want 

Allow us to then strategy God’s throne of grace with confidence, in order that we might obtain mercy and discover grace to assist us in our time of want.

32. Matthew 5:44 – Love Your Enemies 

However I let you know, love your enemies and pray for many who persecute you.

33. 1 Peter 5:6-7 – Forged All Your Nervousness On Him 

Humble yourselves, due to this fact, underneath God’s mighty hand, that he might raise you up in due time. Forged all of your anxiousness on him as a result of he cares for you.

34. Luke 6:37 – Forgive, and You Will Be Forgiven

Don’t decide, and you’ll not be judged. Don’t condemn, and you’ll not be condemned. Forgive, and you may be forgiven.

35. Psalm 86:5 – He’s Forgiving and Good 

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in like to all who name to you.

36. Proverbs 17:9 – These Who Foster Love Covers Over An Offense 

Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, however whoever repeats the matter separates shut buddies.

37. Proverbs 10:12 – Love Covers All Wrongs

Hatred stirs up battle, however love covers over all wrongs.

38. Psalm 130:3-4 – With Him There Is Forgiveness 

If you happen to, Lord, stored a file of sins, Lord, who may stand? However with you there may be forgiveness, in order that we are able to, with reverence, serve you.

39. John 16:22 – One One Will Take Your Pleasure 

So with you: Now could be your time of grief, however I’ll see you once more and you’ll rejoice, and nobody will take away your pleasure. 

40. Matthew 5:4 – These Who Mourn Will Be Comforted 

Blessed are those that mourn, for they are going to be comforted.

41. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – The God of All Consolation 

Reward be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our troubles, in order that we are able to consolation these in any hassle with the consolation we ourselves obtain from God.

42. Colossians 3:12-13 – Forgive Because the Lord Forgave You 

Subsequently, as God’s chosen folks, holy and dearly cherished, dress yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and persistence. Bear with one another and forgive each other if any of you has a grievance in opposition to somebody. Forgive because the Lord forgave you.

43. Matthew 18:21-22 – Forgiving With out Restrict 

Then Peter got here to Jesus and requested, “Lord, what number of instances shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins in opposition to me? As much as seven instances?” Jesus answered, “I let you know, not seven instances, however seventy-seven instances.”

Extra Bible Verses To Assist When You Are Struggling

32 Bible Verses About Joy In The Hard Times

26 Bible Verses about Forgiveness and Reconciliation

25 Bible Verses On Loving Your Enemies

35 Bible Verses On Restoration

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