Q. What would the world be like if the state of Nirvana should come true in reality? – Zen Fools


A. Nirvana is one other identify of Vacancy that’s Oneness, non-duality. Once we realise Vacancy, that’s, after we can see every thing as the identical as one, we really feel oneness with each other. Then, what is useful to you is useful to all, and what’s dangerous to you is dangerous to all. What is nice to others is nice to you, and what’s dangerous to others is dangerous to you.

Then, one’s acquire is one other’s acquire, and one’s loss is one other’s loss. On this state when misfortune occurs to any of us, all lament, and when fortune occurs to any of us, all are blissful. Because of this the state by which Jesus’s phrases ‘Love your neighbours as your self’ materialises. That is known as the Pure Land that’s reverse to the mundane world the place one’s acquire is one other’s loss, and one’s misfortune is one other’s fortune.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway


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