Knowledge and Power | Reason and Meaning


Francis Bacon

Just a few years in the past New York Instances columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman wrote the essay, “Knowledge Isn’t Power.” This contrasts with the acquired view that information is energy. Right here is the opening paragraph of a related Wikipedia entry:

The phrase “scientia potentia est” (or “scientia est potentia or additionally “scientia potestas est”) is a Latin aphorism usually claimed to imply organized “information is energy.”It’s generally attributed to Sir Francis Bacon, though there isn’t a identified incidence of this exact phrase in Bacon’s English or Latin writings. Nevertheless, the expression “ipsa scientia potestas est” (‘information itself is energy’) happens in Bacon’s Meditationes Sacrae (1597). The precise phrase “scientia potentia est” was written for the primary time within the 1651 work Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, who was secretary to Bacon as a younger man.1

For the philosophically uninitiated Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) “was an English thinker … [and a] philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method ..Bacon has been referred to as the daddy of empiricism. His works established and popularised inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry, usually referred to as the Baconian method, or just the scientific technique.”2 Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) “was an English thinker, finest identified at present for his work on political philosophy. His 1651 e-book Leviathan established social contract idea, the inspiration of most later Western political philosophy.”3

Not surprisingly the concept that information is energy originated with that influential thinker who sparked the Enlightenment, Francis Bacon, and one of the vital figures of the Enlightenment, Thomas Hobbes. Interpretations of the phrase embrace the concept that information will increase one’s capacity or potential, or improves one’s affect or fame. Within the prescriptive sense, the concept is that information ought to be highly effective. It ought to inform and information our public insurance policies and selections, and by doing so (scientific) information has energy.

Krugman worries that scientific information is shedding its energy to affect public coverage. As a substitute, now we have the looks of information holding sway. Many are largely influenced by demagogues or the ignorant relatively than the educated. For instance, there’s a digital consensus on a variety of points amongst main economists “representing a large spectrum of faculties and political leanings, on questions that vary from the economics of school athletes to the effectiveness of commerce sanctions [to] whether or not … the Obama “stimulus” — lowered unemployment … [to] whether or not the stimulus was value it …” Nonetheless, policy-makers and the general public are sometimes unaware of or ignore professional recommendation. This isn’t to say that the skilled consensus is all the time proper, however it does increase the query: “Are we as societies even able to taking good coverage recommendation?”

Reflections – Clearly if the reply is not any to the above query, then information has misplaced a lot of its energy. And it’s not solely in economics however in biology, local weather science, and different disciplines that policymakers ignore scientific consensus. This makes you marvel if our species can keep away from catastrophe. As a result of finally the reality about economics, biology, and local weather science trumps ideology–evolution remains to be true, vaccines nonetheless forestall illness, and the local weather remains to be altering. If our selections are usually not knowledgeable by our information, then they are going to be knowledgeable by our ignorance. We are going to return to the pre-Enlightenment world dominated by superstition and emotion, relatively than cause and proof. Allow us to hope that we act in accordance with the latter. In any case, our survival depends upon it. And if that doesn’t matter nothing else does. 


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