Q. Why are some rich, or powerful people exempted from punishment for their obvious bad deeds if the Buddha, or God is really fair?


A. It’s true it seems that the richer we’re the extra harmless we’re, and the poorer we’re the guiltier we’re. Nonetheless, we must always keep in mind that what we do and say is carved unseen within the universe, the true-Self. What we’ve got carried out won’t be misplaced to eternity. All the things that we do has its personal time to manifest its outcome, simply as every plant has its personal totally different fee of progress.

In different phrases, nobody and nothing is past causation as a result of not solely the fortune they’re having fun with now but in addition the struggling we’re troubled by are the results of causation. All the things ripens at its time and turns into fruit at its applicable hour. A Chinese language proverb says that though the heavenly internet is so sparse that it’s unseen, nothing can escape it.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway


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